Tuesday, December 17, 2019


More exclusive photographs  from the  Queen of the Jungle's  album

During her  time  in North Queensland , she has worked  with  prominent  activists  Arthur and Margaret  Thorsborne   and others  to  save    the   wildlife and  rainforests of  the   region  , the  Germanic  Queen has  been through several  cyclones , a  bushfire   and  the  recent  monsoonal  downpour   which  damaged  her  house .  

While on the  2011  Torres Strait  Pigeon count   mission  on North Brook Island    she  saw and photographed   signs of  the  havoc caused  by  Cyclone Yasi . Staying  in the  Cardwell  caravan   park , she  photographed  the  op shop , its  roof  torn  off.
A  new  op shop  was    started in   another building , operational today , from which  this  blogger  has   bought   items of  interest , later  pausing for a  vanilla slice  in a  nearby eatery .

 Journeying from Cardwell by launch to North Brook Island for the  pigeon count , the Queen  saw  Reef Herons  standing on  branches of  trees  stripped of foliage  by  the  cyclonic  winds . 
It came   as a  shock   to  find   large turtles   had been  swept  way  ashore by  pounding  waves , apparently stranded . Sharks  appeared to be "herding " turtles   into  the  shallows ,  preparing  for   a  kill . 
Her group  struggled to push some of the  heavy, cumbersome   creatures into the sea , one of them  above . When Cyclone Kathy,  with  winds up to  250kmh,  smashed into  the  tiny settlement of   Borroloola in the Northern Territory  in  March l984,  conservationists , with the help of helicopters ,  went to the rescue of  scores of  turtles and  dugong  stranded  by the  huge tides   and   surges  at  the  mouth of  the  McArthur  River.