Friday, December 27, 2019


 Despite having been  told on two occasions by female medical practitioners  that  men  60 and over  who clamber  up ladders onto roofs fit the description bestowed  by  PM Bob Hawke on an elderly gentleman , I cannot restrain myself from  occasionally  going  aloft .

In the  crazy  national  ritual of  tidying households  , inside and out ,  for   Christmas , a palm  frond  which  had caught up  high on a flame tree  for at least   a month created a challenge  which caused  me to twitch ,  get the old urge to become a  Canadian  lumberjack.  Don't be stupid and risk life and limb  by trying to get the  annoying frond down  to earth , a  voice  within  the old cranium  repeated .    
So  on  Christmas  Day, the frond was still  hanging there , mocking me . Was I man , mouse or  an old codger ?   On   Boxing  Day  I  eyed the   frond but did not rush in like a  deranged   chain store bargain  hunter . The next day , I cracked : the  rotten, rusty   telescopic  branch  lopper , which had never worked  properly  in  my opinion , and the rickety ladder ,were pulled out of the shed .
Safety glasses  were  donned...instantly steamed up, so that I could hardly see. Thus  prepared , I began to climb the  ladder  and attempt to either push  the wretched frond down  or  cut it  up into pieces until it , not l ,  responding like Newton's apple,  fell  to  the  ground . 

It was hard  going . The rotten  lopper  kept on  sliding  back into the  shaft , angry green ants  showered down on me ,  attacked my eyes , climbed up my legs into the  shorts, went  for  the  vitals , sweaty  joints  and  underarms .
This caused me to make several hasty retreats  to beat off  the ants  and curse the  lopper which , fully extended, seemed about   three  metres long , before it regularly collapsed .
Determined  to succeed ,  the  lopper was   twisted until it  no longer  collapsed , the safety glasses  were  cleaned , only to instantly  fog up , and charged back up the ladder .  Several small pieces were  cut from the frond  , but it  still remained  firmly  hooked over  a branch , next to  the trunk .
A bout of  frenzied  activity  with  the  saw part seemed to  achieve nothing much  except  for  another  shower of  green ants and near strangulation by the cord that operated the  cutter blade .     In my hysteria, I energetically jerked the  lopper about trying to   knock   the   frond to the ground . This resulted in me falling off backwards from the ladder, firmly holding the extended pole with both hands, but  fortunately  landed on my  feet, running  backwards  into  a  clump of  hibiscus , upsetting  a  Curlew  in  the  process. Was it The Goons who sang the idiotic song about running backwards for  Christmas ?

As I plummeted to earth I felt like a silly old bugger-yet again .  Made a mental note to  try  new medication ; monkey gland injections are said to make you  a new  man , whatever  that  enables you  to  do?
Further  wild   wielding of the  lopper surprisingly  forced the   frond  to fall down  and it was   immediately hacked into toothpick-sized pieces for having given  me so  much  trouble .
Up early the next day , I walked outside to  admire  the frond free  flame tree ....only  to be  greeted  by another X*-X@X+* frond  hanging  from the flaming  tree , much higher  up !  It is the one  at the top of  this post , and even  though it looks easy to knock down , it can stay there till next Christmas , or until the  monsoons  arrive  and   blow  it  down .

Up  there  Cazaly  follow  up : wind blew down the frond  and  two others .