Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
MISS OLIVE PINK-Continuing biography of NT Crusading Editor," Big Jim" Bowditch
* Miss Pink and her" greatest friend" killed at Gallipoli.
Her friend Captain Southern was killed at Gallipoli in l915. Each Anzac Day in Alice , Miss Pink used to honour his name. Many people believed she had in storage the wedding dress she would have worn to marry Captain Southern .
A small man, he got out of the car , took her by the arm and tried to steer her into the vehicle. Miss Pink struggled, hit him with her bag of watermelons , scratched his face and implied an improper motive in him trying to get her into his car. Convinced that she was deranged, he drove off, still worried about her well being ; he checked to see that she had arrived safely at her destination, three days later. NEXT: Miss Pink nearly shot.
Alice Springs identity who took a keen interest in Aboriginal matters and the activities of editor Jim Bowditch
was Miss Olive Pink, widely regarded as an eccentric
and one of those “Goodies ” .
While Miss Pink was
clearly mainly interested in the
plight of fullbloods, Bowditch concentrated on the
advancement of those called half-castes. He said he thought Miss Pink disapproved
of him because she had a low opinion of white men who had
a half-caste girlfriend or wife. Still, she occasionally
invited him to her humble residence
for a cup of tea and forthright discussions about various issues.
often came to court to listen
to cases involving Aborigines and spoke
to Bowditch. During court hearings she would interrupt proceedings
by calling out from the public gallery
when she thought an injustice was being committed. At the end
of a tribal murder case , Miss Pink snorted ,“ So much for so-called British
justice” . The judge heard her outburst and
ordered her arrest. She was allowed to go once she apologised for her remark .
By Peter Simon
Pink was a living legend. By and large, she loathed
Alice Springs and said many of its white residents were wife beaters. She also branded the town Sodom and Gommorah. She had been
campaigning for Aborigines since the l930s and had a
tragic and unusual background .
From Tasmania, Miss Pink met her
“ greatest friend ,” Harold Southern ,
when they were art students in Hobart; it is suggested she had taught
art at a
private girls’ school. Early in the
l900s she was in the household of
the WA
Governor, Sir Frederick Bedford , who had been in Tasmania . At about
that time the Southern family also came to Perth from Tasmania.
Her friend Captain Southern was killed at Gallipoli in l915. Each Anzac Day in Alice , Miss Pink used to honour his name. Many people believed she had in storage the wedding dress she would have worn to marry Captain Southern .
the l920s she
stayed with Daisy Bates, who ran an Aboriginal
settlement at Ooldea , in South Australia ,near the
transcontinental railway line across the
Nullarbor. Bates , an Irish journalist
,who had once been married to Breaker Morant, executed by the British Army during the Boer War , spent 33 years working with desert tribes in South Australia and Western Australia. Bates , who regarded Aborigines as a dying race,
mentioned “ a jolly little artist
called Miss Pink ” having visited her .
Daisy Bates became one of
Miss Pink’s great hates . The worse thing anybody could do was liken her
to Bates .
Pink moved to Sydney and worked in the draughting department of
the NSW Railways Department.
Her work there was said to
have involved drawings
associated with the huge
Sydney Harbour Bridge
project. Her interest in Aborigines seems to have grown from
observations she made while on leave making concessional
rail trips interstate.
one of her trips she went to Alice Springs and
along the way painted flowers. In l932
she delivered a speech to a meeting
of the Anthropology Section of the Australian New Zealand Association
for the Advancement of Science
on the uses to which the Aranda
and Arabanna tribes of Central Australia put their indigenous flora .
Vice president of the Anthropology Section was Professor A. P. Elkin of Sydney University Elkin
, an influential advisor to government
on aboriginal matters, commented
favourably on her talk.
Later on she wrote a magazine article describing how she could
tell the time in Central Australia
by observing flowers.
Elkin told me the first time he met Miss Pink
he found her alert and nicely dressed, a scarf tied about her hair
and wearing a green tie .
At the time she was living in
rooms opposite the university. She then turned up at weekly anthropology classes he ran for
the Workers’ Education Association .
As Elkin became a leading figure in the Association for Protection of Native
Races, Miss Pink’s interest blossomed and she took part in lively discussions on the subject. Right at the very
start, the professor ,
himself an Anglican clergyman , noticed
Miss Pink had an antipathy
towards religions . Years later it was
suggested that Miss Pink’s
aversion to all religions,
especially Catholicism, was
due to the suicide of a close
female friend who had been unable to obtain solace or support from her church in a time of deep
personal stress. It was hinted that the woman had become pregnant to a married man and had suicided .
Pink proposed carrying out field work in the Northern
Territory and Elkin, giving his
blessing to the project, arranged
some financial support. This trip into Central Australia, at times
travelling by camel, with a
revolver for protection , resulted in a paper Spirit
Ancestors in a Northern Aranda Horde Country , which appeared in Oceania
, the anthropology journal founded
and edited by Elkin. Another important paper she wrote was about land ownership among
Aborigines .
anthropological work in l933
Miss Pink became dangerously
ill with dysentery
at a desert camp near Mount Doreen
Station in the NT. The owners of the station, the Braitlings , went to her rescue
and she was carried on a
litter made from saplings and flour bags for about 50 kilometres over boggy ground to a car which took her to Alice Springs
that illness, Miss Pink
then wrote to Professor Cleland ,
head of the Department of Pathology, University of Adelaide, for
information on how to combat dysentery
and what could be done to help ease the pain
of an elderly Aborigine with
apparent gall bladder trouble. In l935 she
put another proposal to the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
for her to set up a special reserve
in the Tanami Desert , near The Granites, at a place called Thompson’s
Rockhole, where she would carry out further
field studies and no other
Europeans would be allowed admittance. Much to her annoyance, she failed to
gain support for the proposal.
said he had voted against her proposal ,
not because she was a woman, but because
it would have been difficult for anyone , male or female, out there in the desert. He believed
that apart from doing
anthropological research, she also wanted to emulate the work of Miss
Annie Lock, a missionary activist
who was mentioned in the Coniston
Massacre inquiry as being a
person who had lowered respect for whites by mixing with Aborigines.
failing to gain backing from her
peers for the field work, she went to Alice Springs under her own volition
and resumed her work at Thompson’s Rockhole, living in a tent . One day
D. D. Smith, head of the Department of Works in Alice , who became Bowditch's boss when Jim moved there after the war, was driving
through the Tanami Desert when he came across Miss Pink, on foot, clad in a
high-necked dress which went to
the ground , carrying a sugar bag in
which there were watermelons. He offered
a lift , but she firmly declined his kind gesture. As the nearest
habitation was about 70 miles away ,
where he was heading, he felt she might perish
out there in the wildness.
A small man, he got out of the car , took her by the arm and tried to steer her into the vehicle. Miss Pink struggled, hit him with her bag of watermelons , scratched his face and implied an improper motive in him trying to get her into his car. Convinced that she was deranged, he drove off, still worried about her well being ; he checked to see that she had arrived safely at her destination, three days later. NEXT: Miss Pink nearly shot.
Sunday, May 26, 2013

A modern , illustrated , perhaps
pirated, Chinese-English edition of Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, above
right , contains numerous errors . Starting
with the famous call for
workers of the world to become one, the slogan reads : WORKERS OF ALL
COUNTRES (sic),UNITE! Then follows
a series of coloured photos
of Mao which includes his famous 1966 river swim . The contents
page has a number of typographical and literal
errors . These include
the “Orrect handling of Con-tradications “Among the
People ; Dare to ” Truggleand” Dare to Win.
The translator refers to the first
English edition of the book or pamphlet
cited as “buplished”by the
Foreign Languages Press, Peking . The heading
on the first chapter is 1.THE COMMUNIST PAPTY(sic) .Only following the Marxist Leninist ” revo Lutionary “style will
defeat imperialism and its
running dogs .Thereafter there are
numerous typographic errors. Chapter
The other Red Book , above , on the left , is a
1966 first English
edition published by the Foreign Languages Press, Peking,
without apparent errors , many copies
of which were sold in
Australia , one Sydney outlet
stamping each copy
that it did not necessarily agree with the
views expressed herein.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
When it comes to
drawing attention to issues
of injustice and Western moral bankruptcy, activist
Rob Wesley - Smith, of Darwin, is truly
creative. In more
than 50 years
of campaigning for
worthy causes he has used innumerable ways and devices to
draw the media
and the public’s
attention to important
matters. His residence
at Howard Springs is
a veritable museum
of activism. Apart from furled, assorted large banners outside,inside there are
scores of T-shirts,perhaps as many as 100 ,with slogans for a wide range of struggles such as the Vietnam War , the East Timor
bloodbath, Aboriginal landrights
, civil liberties. He has
a massive bank of photos covering those
campaigns and others. One
snap shows him holding a
placard outside the NT Legislative Assembly, standing next to a woman who is dressed like a colonial
governor, in white mufti ,
complete with gloves,
helmet and cockade , protesting
about foreshore land being handed
over for an
extension to the casino . A
dramatic framed photograph on a wall shows
him re-enacting the part of Australian
journalist ,Roger East,
bound and shot, being thrown into the
sea by Indonesian soldiers on the Dili waterfront .
His extensive
files cover the
Lindy Chamberlain case in which he played an active part ; pollution by mining
at Gove; the Gurindjis of
Wattie Creek where Wes
provided the bottle
of champagne from which PM Gough Whitlam and Vincent Lingiari drank at the the historic hand over of the title to the land .
One of his spectacular “stunts” was his avowed intention to burn a dog alive in a Darwin park to highlight that while Timorese were being napalmed by planes provided by the US, Australia was turning a blind eye to the inhuman treatment of our neighbours, yet were outraged that he planned to torch a dog. This proposed act attracted intensive media attention and a huge crowd , police , firemen and even a “sniper” was allegedly sighted on the rooftop of a nearby building the day of the event. The “ dog “ was a toy one , and some people seemed annoyed that it had not been a genuine canine . The event was branded a Communist stunt and a letter writer said Wesley-Smith should be sacked from his government job as an agronomist. He was in a group arrested and charged for trying to run medical supplies from Darwin to East Timor in a boat . In recent times he was presented with the Grace Kelly Medal for his support of the Timorese at a government ceremony in Dili.
One of his spectacular “stunts” was his avowed intention to burn a dog alive in a Darwin park to highlight that while Timorese were being napalmed by planes provided by the US, Australia was turning a blind eye to the inhuman treatment of our neighbours, yet were outraged that he planned to torch a dog. This proposed act attracted intensive media attention and a huge crowd , police , firemen and even a “sniper” was allegedly sighted on the rooftop of a nearby building the day of the event. The “ dog “ was a toy one , and some people seemed annoyed that it had not been a genuine canine . The event was branded a Communist stunt and a letter writer said Wesley-Smith should be sacked from his government job as an agronomist. He was in a group arrested and charged for trying to run medical supplies from Darwin to East Timor in a boat . In recent times he was presented with the Grace Kelly Medal for his support of the Timorese at a government ceremony in Dili.
In his house are books, maps, letters from such places as the White House , a postcard from Shirley Shackleton sent from London telling of her
campaign to get the
truth about the murder
the Balibo Five ,which included
her husband, a note of
support from Noam Chomsky.
Visiting the Wesley-Smith abode, Little Darwin looked through the racks of T-shirts and stumbled across what looked like a pair of legs (below ) tucked away in a corner against a background of campaign leaflets , mainly related to East Timor . On closer examination, the “legs” were found to be wearing a hat bearing the name M.LONG and the sox of the Essendon Australian Rules Football Club.
Wes used his artistic skills to take out a number of awards in the
annual Human Rights Art Competition on
behalf of Australians
For Free East Timor. The above work was
inspired by Indigenous
footballer Michael Long’s walk for justice
from Melbourne to Canberra, to
see PM John Howard . Wes made it
from a tree
stump which had branches which looked like legs .The people running the competition did not insert a sign explaining its significance. Taking " the legs" home, Wes bought some Essendon football sox
and placed them on the " feet" , and attached an information sticker under the heading THE LONG MARCH to make
the artwork instantly understandable.
It is
a most unusual piece
of Aussie Rules memorabilia, not
mass produced , which you would
think AFL headquarters would like . At
some stage Wes offered it
to the NTAFL when he
heard Michael Long, winner of the 1993 Norm Smith Medal, was coming
to Darwin, and that Michael
could have it , if he so wished.
The NTAFL informed him that Long did not
want it ,nor did they . Now Wes feels inclined to offer this
unusual artwork to Kevin
Sheedy . You would think that somebody in
Darwin with a modicum
of intelligence would realise
that this is a unique
piece of Australiana,
actually made locally by a distinguished
longtime resident who was closely associated with the early
days of Aussie Rules in town.
wall behind the legs
is a card from ABC
gardening TV identity, Peter Cundall , with best wishes for Wesley- Smith. Cundall, a passionate
activist like Wes, served in
WW11 , was a
machine gunner in Korea for the
Australian Army , is now a pacifist who marched against the invasion of Iraq and was arrested failing to move on from the
Tasmanian parliament building when demonstrating against the Gunns’
Bell Bay pulp mill,approval for which he
claimed involved political
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
A brand new Northern Territory flag has recently been raised at the Darwin Casino and , according to our learned vexillologist, who regularly tries to beat the pokies, it is flying the right way- not upside down , as it has on many occasions. At sea, a flag upside down is a sign of distress, indicating loss of propulsion, yellow fever , cholera , sweaty crew badly in need of a Royal Navy shower ... a quick dust down with talcum powder before you go ashore and mix with the female voters .
Monday, May 20, 2013
BLAST OVER NUCLEAR TEST-Continuing biography of Crusading NT Editor," Big Jim" Bowditch.
When Ross Annabell arrived in Darwin from Mt Isa in l953 he was allowed to live on the NT News premises, above , in part of the verandah on the town side of the building. He had to provide his own bedding and mosquito net. To make life easier , he bought himself an electric jug and a one element stove on which to cook his breakfast and make numerous banana fritters. It was not too bad a set up for Darwin which had a severe accommodation shortage. At the time, the NT News Services Limited’s director, Bob Freeden , was only living in a one- room hut rented from the ABC, so Annabell did not feel so bad about his lot.
By Peter Simon
However , the situation changed for the worse . Annabell was given the task of turning the paper into a bi-weekly. Because of the old , slow press it had a to be run till midnight several times a week and it made sleep difficult. On top of that , an acccountant sent up from Sydney was a homosexual and he lived in a room nextdoor with a flimsy wall separating the two. The man would go drinking in pubs and bring home people, resulting in disturbing goings on behind the plywood wall.
The matter came to a head when Annabell was entertaining a nurse in his quarters. Back drunk from the pub , the man in the next room made snide remarks which could be clearly heard through the partition . Enraged , Annabell turned from a suave, mild-mannered reporter with an impressive (for those days ) bachelor pad , complete with a one ring stove, into an aggressive person threatening to smash in the accountant’s head.
Alarmed and shocked , the nurse asked to be taken home to the hospital living quarters. Reluctantly, Annabell whipped the nurse back to hospital on his motorbike . Then he sped back to the News in a murderous rage and ended up hitting the man . He described the fracas thus : “I called him out to settle the argument in good cave man fashion ; but he simply stood there and insisted that he was a ‘gentleman ’ and gentlemen didn’t fight . So I let him have a mighty right smack in the kisser, but he simply stood and took it , and wouldn’t fight . And, not being particularly adept in the ancient art of boxing, I had neglected to tuck in my thumb , which nearly dislocated on his ugly mug , and left me in no condition to give him a second right .” The man left the News soon after.
Annabell had a major row with Don Whitington over a story which he did not run in the NT News . The story was about the Monte Bello nuclear tests off WA . Whitington had sent up a front page story from Sydney quoting physicist Professor Harry Messel as saying a cloud of lethal radioactive fallout could blow across the Top End and kill people or render them sterile .
The explosion was due the day the story would have been run in the NT News. Annabell felt that if the dire predictions were true it would be too late to warn the people of Darwin because by the time the paper hit the street many of them could be dead or sterilised. Furthermore, he felt the story would create incredible panic in Darwin , resulting in a mass evacuation down the track like the one that followed the bombing of Darwin by the Japanese in February l942. “Whitington was furious , and ripped the shit out of me in his next dispatch from Sydney ,” Annabell recalled.
Annabell wrote most of the general news , did the layout for the paper, proofread and performed several other chores including keeping a close eye on getting the paper out on time . Melbourne Herald Darwin correspondent Doug Lockwood and Bob Freeden supplied him with “blacks”-copies of stories they sent south. Ruth Lockwood, who recently died at the age of 99, occasionally helped out by contributing an occasional “women’s item.”
In a bid to capture more readers, the NT News ran horse racing acceptances from four States, claiming to be the only capital city newspaper in Australia at the time to provide such a service for punters. It was a clear indication that gambling was a major interest in Darwin and big business. As a counter , the union owned Standard began to run extensive horse racing notes from the Sydney turf expert A.B. Gray, former racing editor of Smith’s Weekly.
The Standard fulminated against Japanese being allowed back into Australian, especially Territory , waters . Its campaign quoted Jessie Litchfield and MHR Jock Nelson as saying it was inappropriate for Japanese to return. Japanese were described by the paper as “treacherous spies ”. It thundered : “ We will have no more Japanese polluting the North ”. A series of photos showing Japanese in military uniforms doing self defence military exercises was headed JAPS AT PLAY ? Other items in the paper said Japs had been seen taking photographs of a wharf in South Australia.
JAPS AT IT AGAIN IN NEW GUINEA was the comment when a fishing boat entered the three mile territorial waters. Another unusual heading in the paper was TUT,TUT,TOKIO ! It dealt with complaints in a Japanese newspaper about limitations likely to be placed on pearlers allowed back into Australian waters and pointed out that Darwin based pearler Nicholas Paspaley had told the Standard how Japanese had fished out grounds in the past .
The subject of Aboriginal rights, especially for half-castes, was frequently mentioned in the Standard, as it was in the News . The North Australia Workers' Union , of course, had been involved in this cause because half-castes were members of the union. Jack McGinness , President of the Australian Half-castes’ Progress Association was quoted in l953 in relation to the so-called Halfcastes Bill which would give them their “freedom”. He was also given space to outline plans for a hostel and other facilities in Darwin .
It was said that in a desperate bid to increase circulation, the Standard resorted to “pornography, ” a term used by Bowditch and others , without explanation . Presumably , this related to a contrived article under the heading SEX that suggested a brothel should be set up in Darwin which would reduce such crimes as young girls being “tampered with” and “ peeping toms” . It commenced by saying H. G. Wells had said one of the most disruptive forces of the 20th century had been the restless sea of dissatisfied young people. The North had “unsated youth ” and in Darwin there were 3500 male adults and only 1600 females. Youth was not only unsatisfied by existing society , but their natural , quite proper sexual drives and compensating outlets were blocked by the shortage of women.
The paper warned that “thwarted energies,” if not given an outlet through things like beer, swimming , fishing , etc. could lead to an explosive situation. To overcome this tropical time bomb , it was suggested that a licenced brothel like those in Townsville , Brisbane and Perth be established in Darwin to absorb “surplus, dangerous energies ”. The paper continued the argument by saying it should be apparent to police and Adminstration that the stability of Darwin and district rested as much on sex as the economic factor. The situation, it said, could also be eased by bringing up more wives from down south and providing more accommodation in Darwin . The paper invited readers to respond with letters and said it would run any printable suggestions to overcome the problem.
The first response to this article was headed NO BROTHELS FOR DARWIN and was signed “Psychologist”, a person said to be a well-known Darwin citizen whose identity was cloaked by a pseudonym. This mystery man said the editorial on sex had been unpalatable, that the use of Wells to start the argument for a brothel had been fallacious , and that bad grammar had been used. The paper next ran a nebulous editorial on a subject dear to the heart of Darwin- beer. In the Territory , it said , every man,woman and child swallowed a pint of beer a day , or 43 gallons a year. The response to these two editorials might not have been as desired . Enemies of the paper, including the NT News touting for business about town , could have- and probably did - brand the paper a depraved Commo rag , particularly in respect of the brothel issue. Soon after the brothel and beer items , the Standard felt compelled to declare it was not a Communist publication.
The union paper ,which had fought so stridently for the workers over many years, was doomed , and Annabell would figure in its demise. NEXT : Miss Pink invites Bowditch home in Alice Springs.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
CANBERRA:Outrageous rumours are circulating here that a prominent politician is receiving secret injections of strawberry flavoured botox in his fibia and forehead wrinkles and spending much time on a Harvey Norman couch with a trick cyclist because he believes that something black and fearsome is hovering over his head all the time, like those weird ABC TV exploding bubbles . The deluded pollie is said to have developed this unnerving feeling after it was announced that the Coalition would abolish the carbon tax. In Freudian circles, feeling that you are the harbinger of disaster is known as the Joe Btfsplk Syndrome.
In the popular US satirical comic strip, Li’l Abner, by Al Capp, “disastrous stuff” was always about to happen whenever Joe Btfsplk came around. Little Darwin was handed the above photograph, said to be that of a well known long distance penny farthing rider, coming out of a bicycle repair shop after a bout of therapy. The dramatic photo clearly shows what looks like an ominous black cloud hovering over his shoulder. The poor fellow was taken away to an Opus Dei retreat in a padded stretch limo owned by vulture capitalist, General Bullmoose , in the company of Senator Jack S.("Slim") Phogbound, an up and coming trumpet blower who also has an abacus and loves eating a mess of junk food.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The recent post about the demise of the Sydney tabloid - The Sun- and its fearsome , famous editor, Lindsay Clinch, called Little Caesar, and a few other nicknames , brought forth follow up information. A former Sun reporter recounted how he had seen Clinch , suffering dementia, being led by his second wife , journalist Sally Baker , along the corridor in the Fairfax building ,Broadway, Sydney , to his old Sun office. He was totally bewildered, unable to speak , a sad sight when compared with his earlier days when he had been all powerful . Our informant remembered the day when Clinch raged into the News Editor’s office, threw a copy of the opposition Daily Mirror down on his desk, demanding to know why he did not have the “fucking “ front page story.
Mention was also made in the original post about genial Reg Halliday / Holliday, assistant to the News Editor, who later went to the Sydney Morning Herald . It seems Reg used to bankroll poor cadets when they ran out of money. That is why he often gave them assignments where they were likely to get a good meal. A small group of Sun “old staffers “ recently met in Sydney to mark the 25th anniversary of the eclipse of the paper.
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