Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Spike  Milligan's  challenge  to  Australia
A most interesting read ,  the  above  well illustrated   book was found  in   a  Darwin  op  shop   by  Number  2   daughter . It consists  of  letters    between  "half  crazy ex-Goon "  Spike  Milligan  and  the  classical scholar  and  writer  Robert  Graves .
 It contains  pertinent    comment  at a  time when   various  visions for   Australia's   future are  being  outlined   on  the  election trail ; there is  strong opposition to  the Adani  coal  mine  ; climate change is a major  issue  and  businessman  Dick Smith  is  campaigning   against the  Big Australia  population concept. 
While writing  on a trip from Woy Woy , New South Wales  , where his parents lived,  Milligan   said  that  in his spare  time  in Australia  he continued  to battle for  conservation  ,  outlined  a  radical   future for Oz :  

The Japs, and other fuel hungry nations who have out-populated   the self sufficiency of their lands , are pressing  and  eager  for  young  Australia to sell her almost intact minerals  and  fossil fuels ; we are trying- along with most University Conservation groups-to stop it .
Alas, Australian politicians are slavishly following  the old world   with  the 'More is better-we must now go  for growth' Lunacy , and here they have the God-given  chance to  avoid  past Western mistakes. 
With a country as big as the U.S.A. and a population of a mere  14,000,000 they could stabilise  birth rate  and  go for a self-supporting society-and show the way to eliminate all the evils  of  'Overpop' and  international  dependency -a nation loses  its strength  and  individuality when  somewhere in  Aberdan , an Arab can throw a switch  that stops  oil  supplies  to  country X  and  country X  is  brought  to  a  dead  halt !
 The way is now open to  International Blackmail , the Japanese become 'favoured nation' because they agree to  terminate business deals with any banks run-or part  run-by Jews! Self supporting systems   can be free of this threat , yet Australia is tying itself up in international deals  that give employment to Australia  but   enslave  her  independence .     
There are  other points  of interest , including Milligan , touring Australia in the  play The Bedsitting Room , staying with  artist  Russell Drysdale in  Sydney in a  glass walled house overlooking the Pacific .  A  wild storm blew up ,   Drysdale opened the curtains and  put on  a  Sibelius Symphony, the effect incredible . (There is a Drysdale collection  in  the Special Collections section  at the  Eddie Koiki  Mabo Library ,  James Cook University ,Townsville .)

Milligan , supported by the managing director  of the ABC,  Sir Charles Moses,was instrumental in saving the  neglected  cottage  of   Australian   poet Henry Kendall, made  from   convict   cut  sandstone , boarded up and  empty .   
On tour in New Zealand  he    intended   staying  with a wartime friend ,Harry Edgington, to drink lots of wine  and  relive  the Blitz, North Africa -Sicily  and Salerno . 
Pauline Scudamore  was closely associated with both  the correspondents and  wrote a critical  biography of  Milligan. Could  this  inscription  on the front  endpaper  be  by   her? Some of the photographs in the book were supplied by Spike's brother   who  was  living  in  Australia .  

Robert  Graves   told  Spike he  could almost  imagine him  speaking  Strineland due to  his  time in Australia, adding he  liked  Strines . He went on to recall he (Graves) had attended  an  official cocktail party in Canberra   and after a  while   sat down on the floor and   made everybody else do the same . It had ended with   songs and  "outrageous stories ". This  couldn't be done , he wrote , in Washington  and   Buckingham  Palace. Makes a  good  Australia  Day yarn whatever day  it  is  held  on .