Friday, May 27, 2022


 The  weather- worn  kisser of  former Prime Minister Scott  Morrison on  the maltreated   body  of   Magnetic  Island's mysterious mutilated   mermaid  has been  replaced with  a  new  head . It is  jammed  into   the  cavity  left  by  the   fiend  who  beheaded  her , her  arms  also  ripped  off  over  time . 

 In her new look  she seems sun smart- wearing a floppy hat  to  protect  herself  from climate change-especially  coral  bleaching  episodes.  

On close examination, our  roving , snap happy Shipping Reporter says it  looks as though  an  attempt  was  made  to  screw   a  prosthesis , a wooden  arm , or  a   military  epaulet onto  her  shoulder .  What  weird   outrage   next   on  this  poor sea creature  whose  plight  has  gone  unnoticed  by  the   mainland  media  ?  

Intact  mermaid on a bad hair day .