Tuesday, March 10, 2020


One of our gadabout correspondents  has just sent  this view of the popular Kiwi tourist town. We wonder if  he will be able to get  back to Australia  due to  airline  cuts  in services. You could think of  worst places to be stranded/quarantined  in than the land of the long white  cloud . 
 He has provided this blog with some unique photos  over the years , including  a series from  Japan , which  contained   the above   view  without  any sign of  bustling activity.  Then there were pix  of  the strange    abandoned  hotel   into  which feral monkeys  had  moved   and  were  enjoying the  facilities  provided  for  humans . He  likes Japan , and plans   to  revisit the country later this year,  but  may find  himself  stranded  in  the mysterious   hotel - waited  on   by  monkeys  wearing   masks ,  serving  Asahi  beer .