Wednesday, July 28, 2021


French  aroma  to  permeate  Coalition  utterances   as  famous   flatulist   appointed   PM's   new  spin  doctor .

CANBERRA : Award winning  political journalist Argus Tuft today  exclusively revealed  that  the Scott Morrison Funk Bunker has  appointed  French windbag  Petomane   as  its  new strategist  in a  desperate  bid  to cover   up  the  PM's  gross  failures  as  a  national  leader.

Argus Tuft  says  the  PM met  Petomane when he was taken on a tour of Paris by the French President, Emmanuel Macron, above, after attending  the G7 conference , staged  in  a  lavish  Cornish pasty factory 

 On  that  educational  tour , the PM  , while  taking  part  in a  laying on  of  hands ceremony  in  the naughty    Moulin  Rouge, who should blow in , but  Le  Petomane?

Petomane , a great showman , soon  had  the entire  crowd , including  ScoMo , laughing  like  mad. In fact , some  matrons  became so hysterical  they  ripped  off   their  corsets  to  improve  their breathing .
Back in Australia , increasingly revealed  as a   hollow showman / tobacco is good for you advertising  copywriter, the PM   came  under  attack ,despite the News Corp PR machine  going  into  overdrive  for  the  Coalition  , "performing acrobatic  leaps of spin ", worthy  of  Olympic gold medals .

This did not stop the  PM   from being asked embarrassing  questions on air .  Philip Coorey of the  Austalian  Financial Review   concisely explained the situation.

To  counter  having  his  imperial  clothes  ripped off in public , ScoMo adopted  the   new  Petomane  approach  and  announced a  distracting  Down  Under  version  of   the Tour de  France...the Tour de  Lockup.