Wednesday, July 7, 2021


A  library  full  of  surprises 

Two women smile  from a  photo  atop  a  bookcase  , part of the  wide ranging military  section in  the Genealogical Society of the  Northern Territory  research room  in  Darwin.  The  person on the right is  the late Edna Joyce  Pratt, a GSNT  member , with a  great interest in  the two world wars , who  donated  a  large number   of   the  books .

The  other  person  is  an  unnamed  Japanese  woman   Edna met   while attending  a  Thai-Burma Railway  anniversary   in  Thailand .  They  became  close  friends , kept in contact, and  met several times in  Thailand  in  connection  with  their   joint  interest  in  the   WWll   Death  Railway .

Edna's late husband  survived the brutal construction of the 420 kilometre   railway  forced   through  by  the  Japanese  in  1943   which  claimed  the  lives   of about 60,000 Allied prisoners of war  and  200,000 Asian labourers .

An honorary member of the GSNT,Edna Pratt (9/ll/1930-9/10/2010), a dedicated researcher  , indexed  Northern Territory newspapers  and was described as  being  passionate  about military research, with considerable knowledge of   the  two world  wars.   

Included   in  the  library's  militaria  section  are   some  WWll copies  of   Guinea  Gold, the  newspaper  produced in New Guinea  for  Australian and American  troops , which  featured  in  a  recent  Little Darwin post . 

GSNT"s Secretary and  Public Officer , June Tomlinson , said  she  once  had  an almost complete  run of  Guinea Gold  newspapers , given to her by a man  who had asked  her if she would be interested in his "New Guinea  papers".   Unfortunately, they  had  been  blown  away  in  Cyclone  Tracy .