Thursday, June 25, 2020


The sheer beauty of  the sky, sea  and  landscape at  present is breathtaking. But then , when you  wander about  this  stunning  tropical   paradise  in  a spirit of   dazed  exultation , you wonder if  you  are  starting  to  hallucinate. Why? Because looking at you  from the  verdant  hills  is  a  Laser Beak Man shape.

Gazing  up  to the heavens for reassurance that you are not losing  the plot , you reel  back,  doubting  your sanity ,   as   a   cloud  barks  at you   like a   Rottweiler!  
What   strange  apparition could  possibly  materialise next ? ... Holy moly !!!  Another beaut  variation of  Michael  Leunig's  Mr  Average , an unemployed actor  begging  for  a  buck  from   ScoMo .