Sunday, June 7, 2020


The enormous size of  Australia compared with  most other puny  countries  was  demonstrated  in  this illustration from a  1930s  Australasian Advertisers' Manual and Newspaper Directory.   Why you  could fit Serbia into Tasmania  and have enough room left over  to  conduct Tasmanian tiger  shooting safaris .  Our  resident geologist has  a  rare collection of  rocks which  he  claims  show how  Australia was   shaped   over  aeons . He  is  also  seeing  a  phrenologist on a  regular  basis . 

  Way, way , way  back, the huge Aussie mass was looking like an ANZAC biscuit ,a sunburnt one at that.  Cape York  was  being slowly  extruded  on the right ; what  became Tasmania  seems    situated   off   what     evolved  into modern Western Australia. Long before the dinosaurs were clobbered  by  space junk , the  profile below,wrong way round,  was  starting to look somewhat   like  the  rocky  nation  we know  today- threatened by our  own junk, climate change , pollution, acidification of  the  seas , wars , tyrants  and  despots .   


Billions of years agoBondi  was just a mass of  uncomfortable  boulders , below . Several  ice ages, massive tectonic movements , tidal  action,  solar  winds and   abrasive  Sydney shock jocks eventually  reduced  the  rocks  and  minds  of  listeners  to  tiny  granules of  sand , causing an invasion of Irish backpackers  and  cockroach races  projected  daily  on  the  Sydney Opera  House .