The mysterious curvaceous mermaid at the entrance to Magnetic Island is causing seamen to desert ship and swim ashore . As a result, several passenger and car ferries have suddenly found themselves unable to sail because the deckhands have jumped ship and been eaten by white pointers .The situation has been described by our Shipping Reporter as like the German Lorelei who lured seamen to their death on the Rhine.
He claims to have actually entertained the comely Lorelei in a night out on schnapps in his younger , wandering, riverboat days. In this exclusive early photo of the mermaid taken by the waterfront roundsman , an eagle can be seen hovering on high . It seems the island's many raptors are attracted by the mermaid ,probably thinking her hair would make good nest lining.
The sleepy mainland media has not caught up with this story which shows how out of touch it is with Townsville's Jewel in the Crown. Meanwhile, we are still unable to insert the photo of the mermaid armed with a trident for a P3 weather report because of a computer problem . Unless the computer cooperates soonest, it will be subjected to a severe Basil Fawlty thrashing with a palm frond.
He claims to have actually entertained the comely Lorelei in a night out on schnapps in his younger , wandering, riverboat days. In this exclusive early photo of the mermaid taken by the waterfront roundsman , an eagle can be seen hovering on high . It seems the island's many raptors are attracted by the mermaid ,probably thinking her hair would make good nest lining.
The sleepy mainland media has not caught up with this story which shows how out of touch it is with Townsville's Jewel in the Crown. Meanwhile, we are still unable to insert the photo of the mermaid armed with a trident for a P3 weather report because of a computer problem . Unless the computer cooperates soonest, it will be subjected to a severe Basil Fawlty thrashing with a palm frond.