Monday, June 22, 2020


A strange event  involving  bats  and  a huge flock of birds has taken  place on Magnetic Island . The fruit  bats, also known as Flying Foxes, in large numbers,  moved  into trees in a leafy part  of  Picnic Bay , much to the annoyance  of  nearby residents. An eyewitness informed  Little Darwin of  the  recent subsequent  amazing  development  which saw the bats under attack ,  like  a  scene from the Alfred Hitchcock horror film, The Birds . A large flock of birds , easily numbering 100,  consisting of screeching Cockatoos, loud Kookaburras  and raucous Currawongs , began to assemble near the bat colony.They  flew  away, came back in force and  dive bombed the  flying floxes  like  terrifying  German Stukas , causing them to flee the area . Yippee !!! shouted  the  nearby residents.