Friday, April 17, 2020


A fierce debate  is  going on over the sacking of  the Kraken from the  highly popular and certifiable  Mad as Hell  ABC comedy television  show  and  the dumping of  Gerard Henderson  from  the panel  of  the unGodly  national  broadcaster's  top  political  Sunday morning  gem , Insiders .
World  turned upside down  on Bolt Report
 A  poll  has shown  99.999 per cent  of Australians want  the Kraken returned to the wardrobe , while only one  person,  identified  as  lefty  journalist  David Marr,  got  down  on  his  knees  and   begged  ABC  chief    Ita   Buttrose   to   regularly allow  Henderson  back  on  Insiders.

This is attributed  to the fact that Marr , obviously a Catholic masochist ,  delights in  verbal jousting   with  Henderson  whenever they  appear on  the panel of  the  must  view  ABC show , now  presented  by  David  Speers.  
 The  slimy Kraken was  dumped  because of  Morrison Government cuts to the  funding of  the  ABC. In its  place, the multi-skilled,  but  lousy celebrity  dancer ,  Hamish McDonald  , of  Q. and A. , lurched out of the wardrobe  on  the Mad as Hell set  , gyrating  like  a drunken   robot with a screw or  two loose  . Boo! And Boo! again. Bring  back  the Kraken !!!