Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 Shipping  Reporter  expose .  

A prime part of Townsville's waterfront continues to  be  a  dumping ground for shopping trolleys , road signs,  witches  hats  and other   items . Despite drawing attention to this unsatisfactory situation  months  ago, no one in authority  or  the local media   slipped   into  action. 

As a result, more things  have been  thrown into the marina  area , including a tyre ,   full  of  expensive yachts, not  far  from  the  casino , a  short distance from the  busy   ferry passenger   terminal ,the Great Barrier Reef Marine  Park  Authority ,  the  ABC  office , Townsville  Port   Authority . 

There appears to be  about 12  trolleys, some submerged for  a long time , metal   traffic signs , other  pieces  of  rusting  metal .