Thursday, August 3, 2023


Regular  readers of Little Darwin  in  the four corners of the blue planet   know that the Shipping Reporter  often  hands in  salty  yarns    about  Townsville's  so called   "ghost fleet "-  the  many interesting   vessels  that come  and  go without  mention  by  the  lifeless   mainland  media .

While lurking about the waterfront  tuther  day with his  camera ,  he   snapped the  above  nifty  white   craft , fitted out  for   serious fishing ,  heading out   to  sea ,  displaying  on  the  stern  a name  which , with his   poor eyesight, he  took to be   GHOST

You  surely  cannot  get  a  more apt  ghost  fleet  subject  than  this , a  blindingly white vessel possibly  named  after  Casper  the   friendly translucent  ghost ? 

On the very same day,  the  Shipping  Reporter  made further  contact, as it were,  with the other side  ,above,  in  the shape of  TASMAN SPIRIT ,a bulk carrier  sailing  under the  Marshall Islands  flag .

SEANCE NOTE:  Not wanting to knock, knock  the Shipping Reporter's story,  the fishing boat could have been  QUEST ,or something  else  less  exciting , of   this  world .