Monday, March 28, 2022


 It can be exclusively  revealed that Darwin activist Robert Wesley-Smith  has  several  redundant owls  with  an  inglorious track  record , and  he  is  currently   entertaining  a  flock  of squatter ducks .  He  is shown  here  instructing   one of  the  failed high tech owls- looking suspiciously  like a  disguised Dalek- to  go out  and  frighten  plant  eating  birds  and  blankety-blank possums  on  his  fertile  rural  property  at   Howard  Springs ,  some  years   ago  .

It seems  Rob, a veteran agronomist,  bought  the  owls  in  a  bid to  win   the annual  largest  pumpkin  competition  run  in conjunction with the Darwin Show .  His  ambition is  to  grow  a 100  kilo pumpkin , his best effort so far 80kilos .

It  would  be  an owl's  feather in  his cap  if  he  produced  a  winning  whopper  pumpkin , enabling him to  boast  about  it  at  Friday  Club luncheons in  the Noodle House  and other important gatherings , where  the Territory's  future  is  shaped . Some of  the  owls  were  battery driven  and  had flashing eyes , the  theory being they would  frighten off  birds  likely to peck  his  pumpkin  plants  and  voracious possums .

Of course , the batteries ran flat , the marauding birds and possums   picked  the  pumpkin  plants  to  pieces. This  year , the  seed   appears  not  to  have  germinated , and  the sightless , teetering  owls  are  mouldering  about  the  estate , almost  composting .

It is interesting  to  note that the water police launch Brett Irwin  in Townsville   long  ago  abandoned using  fake owls  and  another bogus  bird of prey aboard   ship  to  try and prevent  birds, Seagulls especially,  from messing  all  over  the  vessel .

 It is plain to see that  the  defunct  Darwin  owls do not scare ducks as a  flock of  them have moved into  Wesley-Smith's watery  block  after   recent  stormy  weather   and  will   probably   fertilise  his  canoe .