Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Incredibly gutsy female  journalist  who  displayed a No War sign  on  Russian state television pouring out propaganda about  Putin's  monstrous  Ukrainian  invasion .  She  was  dragged  away and  interrogated for 14 hours ; it  is  suggested  she  could  face  criminal  charges ,  years  in  jail . 

If  anybody should be charged it is  Vladimir Putin  with   massive  atrocities  against  humanity, slaughtering  women , children , bombarding  hospitals and  residential  blocks .

There are  reports  that right thinking  Russian residents  protesting   about the  invasion  by  holding up  blank  pieces  of  paper  have  been  arrested .

Putin's thugs were captured   manhandling  a  female  protestor , hitting her with  batons , one  putting  in  the  boot  while  she  was  on  the  ground .