Tuesday, January 7, 2020


From the Little Darwin  files comes this  l923 advertisement  for the West Australian Labour Party journal  -The Westralian Worker- edited by  John Curtin who  went on to become  Prime  Minister  1941-45 .

An experienced Melbourne  journalist, a heavy drinker,  deeply involved in union and Socialist Party  matters,  he  had edited the Timber Worker  and  had strongly campaigned against  conscription during  WWl . A passenger aboard the ship in which  Curtin arrived  in Fremantle to take up the  editorship  in  early  l917  was the British suffragette and pacifist Adela Pankhurst ,on a  WA  speaking tour  organised  by  the  Victorian Socialist Party .

The conservative press ignored Pankhurst. Curtin , however, in his first issue   of the  paper  supported her  tour , saying her passionate  detestation of  bad social  conditions  involving  women  and   child   labor  at   sweated  rates  won  her the right to  be  heard  wherever  she  went .

When   she  attempted to speak  at the Perth Town Hall she was prevented to do so by returned soldiers and  police . Soon after, Curtin, 32,  married  his wife, Elsie , 26 ,  in  a  registry office.   During his time in the west he became increasingly  involved  with  the  ALP .