Monday, January 6, 2020


TEL AVIV : Dead Sea Scrolls scholars are convinced that the  above  mysterious sign on   a North Queensland Island is connected  with one of the lost  tribes of Israel . Little Darwin has  exclusively drawn attention to the weird  object  on Magnetic Island ,off   the lost media tribe  city of  Townsville . We suggested  the odd sign was written in Chinese  warning that Nelly Bay, which it overlooks, is  now part of the extended    South China Sea sand  fill  in.

However, a Dead Sea Scroll expert, like so many of our massive  global  readership , stumbled upon Little Darwin , could not believe his eyes , identified the sign as having been written in an ancient Coptic script . It is understood the sign warns against walking  on  water in daylight hours and handing out  loaves and  fishes to  the  free loading  locals. 

An Israeli drone  flown over the island  looking for  further signs of the lost tribe turned up evidence  of  a  long  gone  civilisation .  It  included remains (below)  of  what were obviously false gods and  graven images  cast down and destroyed by  an  angry  tribe , similar  to  Easter Island  .