Tuesday, October 30, 2018


CANBERRA : A shadowy  group  within  the  bumble-footed  National Party  of Australia  has  developed  a  brilliant  scheme   to combat  the  massive problem of obesity .  They  intend  to  use   their   stranglehold  on  the Liberal  Party  to   bring  in compulsory  goosestepping  in  schools  throughout  the  nation .
As seen on  ABC  Insiders .
Argus Tuft  Scoop
 Goosestepping , they claim , is  the fair   dinkum  way  to  a  third term / leader / reich  for the Coalition . It will  also make  tubby   kinders  slimmer  in the process .   Der  spokesman  for   the  growing band of  goosestepping  advocates   is  Adolf   Bigfoot of   the  stormtrooper  stacked  NSW  Black  Forest branch . He  revealed   the  group regularly holds secret  meetings  in beer   halls  where  they drunkenly  goosestep   about  under   a  giant screen  tuned  into   daily Sky  propaganda   bombastic  blitzkriegs , while slashing each other  on  the  face  with  made  in  China  Lady  Sunbeam  shavers.