Friday, March 28, 2014


True  to  his  threat , defiant  Queensland Premier , Campbell  Newman, above, has  started inviting overseas doctors to  replace  ones  threatening   to   leave  Queensland   Health .

It  can be   revealed   the  first  replacement  doctor  coming  to Brisbane  is  a  Dr  Martin Ellingham,  from  a  quaint   village  on  the  Cornish  coast ,  Fortified  Port  Wine .   Known  to  the   local yokels as  Doc  Martin , he  wrote  the  Imperial College  bible for  Pommie  medical students - the  illustrated  guide , complete with a long-life ,  lithium battery charged   cattle  prod, on  how  to  handle  insufferable ,   annoying   patients.

In  an  exclusive interview  this morning , Doc  Martin said  he would  like to meet  a  fullblooded ,  suntanned   Surfers Paradise  Meter  Maid  with  a  wonky  grandfather  clock ,with a   desire  to  repeatedly  tinker  with   the   pendulum.
Because  of  his  unfortunate  childhood , due  to   parents who showed  him no love and  affection , Doc Martin   has asked the premier  to supply him with  one of those two-headed Tasmanian  Teddy Bears  to  cuddle  at  night  after  a  hard  day stitching up  the   mouths   of   politicians  to  prevent  them  from  saying  stupid  things .

 Premier  Newman  claims  Doc  Martin  has been  closely associated  with the constabulary  in  Cornwall and  he  will  be  asked  to  assess  the  safety  of   the  obstacle   course   at  the  Brisbane  Police  Academy.  The  Mad  Doctor of  Harley Street  has  also indicated  he  would  like  to  set  up  office  in  Queensland  to  avoid  close  questioning  by  Scotland Yard's Jack  the  Ripper  Squad   and  the  taxation  department .

The  Premier  defended  Health Minister Lawrence  Springborg’s  handling of  the controversial  new  contracts . He  denied that  the minister had  inflamed  the   situation , turning  it  into  an  angry  carbuncle.