Monday, March 24, 2014

BRAVE PM SUFFERING BONFIRE OF THE VITALS : World exclusive with technicolor and 3D photographs.

Exclusive  photograph  leaked to Little Darwin showing PM, in obvious agony, in The Lodge infirmary ,  being   prepared  by  a   rough - handed ex- Army  triage  nurse  before receiving   secret , painful treatment fo his  embarrassing   condition .

All  fair minded  Australians - meeting in a telephone booth- were saddened  today when  it was  revealed  that our beloved , free-wheeling   Prime Minister , Tony Abbott , is suffering  from a  terrible  new  ailment which  strikes at  the nether  regions  of  longtime   bicycle  riders who wear  tight lycra  imitation  Tour  de  France  racing  pants.   

His painful  condition  became obvious  when  many   people remarked that   the  PM   walks   like  a   ruptured Patagonian Trotting Duck   and  sits  awkwardly  like   former  US  President  George  Dubya  Bush. On  his  recent  visit  to  Indonesia ,  the PM  attracted attention  walking   like  a gammy-legged  Texan   gunfighter  when   inspecting   the  Guard  of  Honour . 

Bush’s  odd  gait  and  spread-eagled  legs  when  sitting in front  of  cameras  was   due  to  the  fact  that when he was a tearaway young man   he   climbed  a  giant cactus   during  a drunken  night   in  the  Alamo.   
 The  cactus  has   spines  so  sharp  they  are used  as  sewing needles  by  the   Indians  . As  a  result ,  he  never  forgot  the  Alamo  and  that   painful    night . He  was  so embarrassed  that   he  did  not tell  his  family  and  did  not  consult  a  doctor or   friend  with  a  pair  of  pliers.

His  unsuspecting  parents  thought   he  was  growing up  into  a   typical  cowpuncher  who  would  one   day  fall offa his  Pinto  and  become  a  born  agin   Christian .

He  hobbled   about  for  decades  with   spikes  embedded  in his  made- in- America   ass  and  groin  until   his  daddy  was made the head of  the  CIA  . Then  he revealed his  painful secret  to  a top  CIA  spook who had been in the Cuban  Bay  of  Pigs  Invasion  and  asked  him to do his  patriotic duty and   remove  the   painful   prongs.
The   hardened  CIA  man  reportedly  collapsed  with shock  when Bush dropped  his  tweeds ,  bent  over and  pointed at  the   huge , red  target  area.  As  a  reward , the   twitching CIA  veteran  was  awarded four  Purple Hearts and  sworn  to  secrecy.

Now it  seems our leader   is  suffering  something  similar  in  his  vital areas ,  but  it  is  due to  good  clean   living   and  no silly stunts  in  his  university days  ...  riding    bikes   along   potholed  Australian highways .  This  is why  Mr Abbott  is keen  to become known  as   the infrastructure  PM -   the  man  who  fills in all the  craters  along the  nation's main  highways  for  cyclists  pre-disposed  to  haemorrhoids .

An   Irish  doctor , a  refugee  from  Queensland Health ,  discovered  that   bicycle  riders  in  Australia  are  suffering  an outbreak  of  this  new   mystery disease  ,  known  as  the Gnarled   Crotch  Syndrome   leading to unsightly  perished and  inflamed inner tubes.    Unfortunately  ,  it  seems  the Mad    Monk   has  got  a   bad  dose  of   the   highly  infectious  disease.
The   doctor ,  dressed  in  a  Mars space  suit ,  using a  pair of  long handled tongs ,  kindly   handed over  this horrifying  photograph   of  a  close up  snap  from   under   the   budgie  smugglers  of  a  prominent  politician .  The  trembling medico  refused to confirm or deny that  the  owner of  the  smugglers  was  Mr Abbott .  He   said  the grotesque   gnarl  like  growth,  if  not  given urgent  treatment  and  bombarded  with  radioactivr  bound-in  volumes  of  Hansard , could  turn  the  sufferer  into   a  monstrous  blob , which ends up a  tree climbing , lumpy  Koala  look  alike  from a science  fiction horror movie , see below.
Already  that  disrespectful   Australian Financial  Review  cartoonist , David Rowe , tipped  soon  to  be  towed  towards  Antarctica  by a  nuclear  powered  aircraft  carrier  under  Operation  Sovereign  Borders ,  has  started   to  make   fun  about  the  PM’s  unfortunate  condition , showing the  nasty  looking , highly  infectious   Gnarled  Crotch   Syndrome  taking   over  his body  like  a  bonfire  of  the   vanities .

Bow –legged    PM    this   morning  , above ,   insisting   he   will shake the  hand of  every  voter  in  WA  before  the  Senate  election . Ill  at ease  Federal  Health  Minister , Peter   Dutton , later  gave  Mr  Abbott  a   tasty   bunch  of   gumleaves and  a latte, consumed  standing  up , while  admiring  a nearby indian rubber plant .