Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 The recent   death  in  Darwin of  Muriel Janes , widow of  pulp fiction author Gene Janes , prompted  the  rerun  of   2016  Little Darwin posts .   

The unexpected  discovery in Townsville  of  a  dramatic  novel  about a  supposed Japanese spy (who turned out to be a  German )   aboard  a  Royal Australian Navy  vessel  operating out of  Darwin in WWll  has  thrown  light  on   the  prolific  output of  the  late  British  journalist  and pulp fiction writer, Gene Janes .

 Entitled  Traitor  Aboard , the book , first published  in  1967, was  written  under  one  of  his  noms-de-plume , Owen Gibson.

By  Peter  Simon

The  story opens  with a member of Naval Intelligence  under the guise of a  war correspondent , suspiciously discovered  not  to  be  a  member  of the  Australian  Journalists'  Association , arriving  in  steamy  Darwin  and  boarding  the  naval  ship  in  a   bid  to  uncover  the  traitor . The  skipper  liked  to  tipple .

In real  life , Gene  Janes , in Queensland at the time ,  was   attracted  to Darwin   through his  admiration for the  crusading  editor of  the Northern Territory News , Jim  Bowditch.

 Janes  , with  literary  ambitions, encouraged by his mother,   had  worked  as  an  office  boy  in  the BBC, London , selling  the  Daily  Worker  on the side . He  applied   for  a  position in  the Talks Department  at the  BBC which was  run  by  Kim  Philby , one of  the  Cambridge Spy Ring , who   later  defected  to  Russia.

Philby  told  Gene he  might  be  another  Shakespeare, but he was  too  young . 

Gene  told me  in  Darwin  that   British Intelligence should have   twigged  that Philby   was  sympathetic  to  Russia  as  he  wore  a  Russian badge on  his  lapel .

During WWll  Gene  served in the  navy  and  said  that while  squinting into the sun  in the Mediterranean he shot  down  a  friendly plane  with a Bofors  gun , the  pilot surviving .

Rapidly reading Traitor  Aboard , I  smiled    at  Gene's    detailed  description of the Tribal class destroyer's armament. Close range weapons included Oerlikons  and  the  quad  Bofor - the quick firing  40 mm  job  amidships , a popular  gun  that  had  superseded  the  "Chicago  piano"- the multiple pom-pom.  

After the war, aged 22, Gene came to Australia and worked  at the Garden Island  dockyard ,wrote  short  stories  and radio scripts , mixed with actors and artists . He met his  English wife , Muriel  ,who came  to Australia on a holiday .  

Between the l950-1960s period , he  wrote many pulp fiction  books .The Calvert  Publishing  Company  described him  as one  its most popular authors who wrote  commissioned  stories with army, navy and air force  settings, a detective series  , one about  death in a nudist  camp , even romance stories, which he wrote  under his wife's name , not wanting to be known  as  an  author   of  romance .

Science  fiction  also interested  him . One of his   books  about   the  Z Force  was made into a movie . 

At one stage , Gene worked in  a Torres Strait  lighthouse and  in  a row got a  can of red paint and splashed it  down the  white side of the building .  Over  radio and  in  newspapers  , he  became aware  of  this  audacious , crusading editor in Darwin .   Muriel   told  Gene  this Jim Bowditch sounded like an editor  he would like  working  for . So  Gene  applied  for  a  job  on the NT News .

When   Gene , with his  family and  pet dog , arrived in Darwin , he found the entire newspaper staff on strike over the  sacking and  replacement of  Bowditch as editor.  While at the News , Janes wrote an illustrated serial about  Australia  being run by  an  Aboriginal  government.

The disappearance of his packet of prawns from the fridge at the News resulted in him being sacked after he had a row with the then editor and chased him about the room , an episode which got a mention in the independent Darwin Star .

Bowditch and Janes worked together on a proposed biography of millionaire Mick Paspalis , never written, which became a contentious matter in which Sir Norman Young , chairman of News Adelaide, was involved.

It is understood Janes and Bowditch received $1000 each for the work they had put into the book, Gene buying his first ever lawn mower.

Acclaimed novelist Ruth Park  was a fan of  Gene Janes. In 1975 she supported an application by Janes for a Literature Board grant to write a book about Cyclone Tracy . Park wrote that she had known his fiction and fact  pieces for 15 years and had admired his firm, craftsmanlike grasp of style and form .

Janes, she added, was a classic example of a fine writer sidetracked by personal responsibilities into too much journalism. He had a terse originality and an  intuitive  feeling for  Australian  character.

Gene Janes has a place in the pulp fiction history of Australia with his books in collections from the 1950s and 1960s in the Australian National Library, the Victorian Library and several universities here  and in  New Zealand .

(Janes . Wife . Author.)


 While the rain has been falling in  great  buckets, the resident  rain  orchids did not burst into  flower  . When  they  flower, it  is  seen  as  a  sign that rain will fall within days.   However, this did not  happen before the current   downpour.  Intead  of   exploding  into  blossom , fungi    popped up  in  one  pot .  It   seems that  due  to climate change  rain  orchids   have   a   new  way of   weather  forecasting.  

(Weather. Orchids. Rain.)  

Monday, February 10, 2025


Spotted  running for shelter during the  downpour in  this  battered  Townsville  garden was   a  drenched coucal , a  pheasant- like  , long - tailed   member  of  the  cuckoo  family. It  scampered into  a  clump of  trees, at  times  reappearing , higher on  each occasion ,  until  it emerged   at  the  top of  a  lemon  tree  with  an  insect  in  its  beak ,below,  then  flew  away. 

A  roof hopping coucal on  Magnetic Island .

(Weather, Coucal. Townsville.)


Gold  Coast ,Queensland.  Photo by Hubby.
(Queensland. Gold. View.)



Sydney  yacht , top , and  Royal  Caribbean  International cruise ship Ovation of  the  Seas which carries up  to 4905 passengers  and offers a  rock climbing  wall as part of  the entertainment,  visible  in  above  deck  view  .  Abra. 

(Cruise. Rock. Sydney.)


Sydney Harbour Bridge. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025


Pitt  Street faithful farmers , Sydney , call  for  bold climate action : No more coal , gas . 

(Planet .  Coal.  Gas.)