Saturday, November 5, 2022


Following   a   frenzied  period of  building   another   nest under the   back verandah , a Sunbird  , pictured   below, was   noticed  apparently in   residence.  It flew  away  several  times . Late  in  the evening , it  was noticed that  the nest  had  gone.  It  was  found on the ground with  two smashed  eggs . 

What  had  happened  ?  Could it have been   the blustery wind  which brought  down  many fronds in the  area ?  Unlikely . The  nests  of   Sunbirds  are  often  cut down  by   Currawongs   and Crows  , the  latter  noticed   about  the   yard .  A  small Friarbird   had  been  seen  chasing a  much  larger   Crow    down  the  street.   Another  team of  Sunbirds   seem  intent  on   nest   building .