Thursday, November 18, 2021


 With   so much  talk  about  the need to  reach zero emissions , you would think that the impressive  Zero Waste  Exhibition  at  the  Louver  Gallery ,Magnetic Island, involving  19  artists with diverse talents and experience   ,  one who in  a former  incarnation went  under the  name  Chief  Constable of  the   Sex  Police  , a  marine scientist   who  makes  artificial  rocks  for lizards in  his backyard , a   person   versed  in  an unusual   Japanese   art   form   and  a  campaigner  for  former island resident  Julian Assange , would  attract  the  attention of the   mainland  media, Murdoch   Townsville Bulletin in particular.  Not  so.

It   reveals  the  bleeding  obvious :  the   Townsville media  needs a  major shake  up , especially The Bulletin, not only in respect of  the paltry  coverage  of   Magnetic  Island, the  so  called  jewel  in Townsville's crown.

The above  work by Sharon Downes, who might cheekily be described as a barista  artist, is of cockatoos part constructed from coffee pods and driftwood.

A  hanging , below,   is  by  Hala Hansen  who  during two  years  in  Japan worked   with  Tokyo   women  who  turned  patched  clothing  into  a  work  of  art .

Birds  made  from odds and ends  dangle from the ceiling  below  near  a  nest  in  this  scene  from  the  gallery.  

Born to be free  recycled ceramic   Kingfishers  bought from op shops  and a cage  from a  Tip Shop  feature in  following  item   by   Rose Gordon . Not for sale . 

New  Tree  with  Curlew 

Recycled family 

Handbag  made  from  recycled  car and  bicycle  innertubes.