Saturday, November 6, 2021


 Somewhere  in  this tree is  a Torres Strait  Pigeon , probably  on  a tiny  nest , its  distinctive  call  frequently   heard . Several  photographs were taken from different  angles to try and  capture   the  bird.  Downloaded  and examined  with  a  magnifying  glass,  it seemed the  bird had  not  been  caught  in  focus .

 But  wait a  minute, isn't  that  the pigeon ,  peeping   at  the  annoying  cameraman  standing  below ,  like  a goose ,  poorly  imitating   the  call of  a  Torres Strait Pigeon, trying to pinpoint its location? 

 Sure enough, there it was , obscured, well camouflaged . An example of a very  basic  nest , a  small  bundle of  twigs in a fork  ,  is  shown  below .

Also known as Nutmeg Pigeons, they  are  distributed across a wide part of Northern  Australia, including the Torres Strait, the Aru Islands  and  Papua New  Guinea . They  feed  on  native  fruits  and  berries.