Saturday, November 13, 2021


CANBERRA: In a surprise move, the  exhausted  Minister for Fixing  Australian Government Cockups , today announced  the  port of  Darwin will be  taken  from  Chinese  control  and   given  to  the  French , avec  a  lifetime   supply of  Australian  made  champagne .  

In  addition, the Northern Territory's  strategic main north-south road  , the Stuart Highway ,will  be  renamed the  Charles  de  Gaulle   Expressway ,with a new  route added through  Uluru .

Details of  what the French will do with  the  port  are , naturally, top secret. However, LIttle Darwin  can   reveal  that  a  fleet of nuclear powered  midget submarines , a teensy-weensy force de  frappe , will  be permanently  stationed  in  Cullen Bay and  may  be  asked  to  hunt down  and sink  the  Mandorah  Monster . 

It will  be  under  the  control  of  Commander  Toulouse  Lautrec , More details will  be  posted  about  moves  by  Australia   to  appease  the   French .