Thursday, November 11, 2021


 After  dark  scoop  by  James  F.  Oram 

Pill- popping  Australian   Broadcasting  Corporation  head , Ita Buttrose ,  will shock  the    forces   of   media   madness    when   she   hits  Sky/News Corp  with  a   massive  lawsuit  during   the  Chinese  New  Year.

According to secret documents unearthed  by  respected  late night horror movie  presenter,  James  Oram , the  ABC will  charge  that  a large  part of  Sky Television's   programming  is   clearly  based  on  Shaun Micallef's  Mad  As   Hell .

In  particular , the ABC  will   claim   that  Sky  panel  discussions  are  clearly  a copy of  Mad  as  Hell's  regular   Wisdom  of  the  Elderly  segment in  which  silly  old  buggers   make  fools   of   themselves . 

ABC insiders have confidentially informed  Oram  that  Ita regularly  watches replays of  Mad as  Hell, as it  eases  the  strain  of  News Corp,  Sky ,   conservative   knuckleheads  and  obvious  Coalition  trolls in social media    constantly    attacking  the   ABC.

Forced to  watch  the  dreary  after dark part of  Sky as part of her media watch,   Buttrose   was stunned to  see  so much  looks and sounds as if  it is out of  Mad as Hell  , especially the Wisdom of the Elderly skits.  

So much so, she called  Shaun Micallef into her office and accused him of moonlighting  for  Sky !!! Of course, he denied  such  treachery . 

However , James  Oram  is  confident that  the slimy  Kraken out of Mad as Hell   will   take over  the  job of  Alan  Jones on  Sky .  Jones , sadly,  was recently  devoured  by  a giant  white pointer shark while throwing  somebody  into   the  sea  in  a  hessian  bag   at   Bondi .   His  replacement by the Kraken  will  be  proof positive  that  Mad as  Hell  is  being  copied  by   Sky .  

Oram says  the name of the presenter inside   the  Kraken suit who will take over  from The Parrot  is a closely guarded  secret at Sky , but   his  first  name  is   Gerard.   

Watch this  space  for  further  exclusive , non-fake news  by  Oram  about  the  ABC  board's   decision  to  aggressively  take  on  its  critics .