Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Shipping Reporter  Scoop  

This  unusual Christmas card  featuring  the  neglected  Magnetic Island  lifeboat  off the Brisbane based dredge Sir Thomas Hiley  has  been  received by the  motley  Little  Darwin   crew . Sir Thomas was a  former Queensland Liberal Party leader . For years, this blog  has pointed out   the  vessel  has been mouldering away  on the  Picnic Bay  foreshore , without  the  mainland  penned in  media  chooks or  Liberal Party caring. 

It is often filled with rubbish , empty beer cans , even a swaggie's  blanket ,smelly water which looks like something left over from the recent  Sky party sabotaged by the ABC.

Now the  vessel  is the centre of the Christmas card  from a painting by island artist  Angie Pollock which includes three  friendly  hens   who are lucky not to have ended up in KFC .

See they were rescued by an English woman  from a  battery farm , fattened up , their feathers growing back , and  are now   "living the dream " on Magnetic Island

The unique   card was  slipped into  the Little Darwin  letter box   by  the  Man Friday Cafe   team , mother , and  their dog, Wrinkles.