Saturday, February 22, 2020


World   exclusive  by our  Big Apple  and Tiny Truffle  correspondent with a soon to  be  audited  expense  account. 

President Trump  today claimed the  FBI has a  huge file  proving  that one of the world's most influential people, actor and  documentary film producer , Michael Moore , has been  conspiring  with   the  Russians  to  influence  the  upcoming presidential  election.
And  in  a shock  development,  Michael Moore  freely admitted he has been engaged in  secret  talks  with  Russian President  Vladimir  Putin . 
"I am making a  remake of  the mad  movie  The  Russians Are  Coming , with a modern twist ," Moore  confessed." It will undergo a name change - The Russians  Are  In  Trump  Towers". One of  those luxury towers is in Hawaii-wonder if  ScoMo  was  entertained   there?  
In search of  Russian actors, Moore  said he went to Moscow . On arrival , he had been   arrested  by  the KGB   and  taken  to  see  President  Putin.
 Surprisingly, Putin had been wildly enthusiastic  about the project- as  long as he could play the part of  the  submarine skipper in the  new  version of the  film . He  had  kindly offered to supply a  nuclear powered  sub  as  a  prop which would  be  moored  off   Coney  Island , New York  . 

 Putin even offered to invest in the film as  he  has a few  idle  billion  dollars here and there .  He is said to  be possibly  the  richest man in the world-200 billion !!!-which  raises a  lot of questions ,  makes Democrat  Bloomberg look like a  pauper,  but  could  just  be  CIA  faux  news .
 According to  Moore, the  Russian  leader  strongly  denied Russia  had played any part in the election  of  Donald Trump . He  had  regaled Moore with  strange stories  about  being pissed on  by a Koala  bear at a G20 meeting in  Brisbane  and   being   shirtfronted   by  a  bozo  called  Tony  Abbott .

Moore  told Little Darwin he is  considering using   some   footage   from his much acclaimed,   award  winning  documentary Where to Invade Next , which  a  critic praising  the  work  said   would  almost surely cast Moore's  detractors at  Fox News and  similar sinkholes  into  consternation.   
While on the subject of Australia , the  multi award winning  filmmaker  said  he planned  to use  Aussie crayfish, piling  up because of the  Coronavirus  affect on the Chinese   market,  in  a lobster processing factory  scene in  the  film,  which  is  designed to prevent  Trump   being   re-elected , reducing him to a  reject   shrimp  too  small  to  throw  on  the  barbie ... a line obviously lifted  from  Paul  Hogan.