Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The extremely busy ant world  is  undergoing  puzzling  changes. The  site of seething  ant  nests - photographed and   previously  posted  by nature watcher Vallis- has   undergone   major   and    baffling   changes .  
Instead of  masses of   large  ants (above),some with wings,   covering  an   area in which  there were  open , ground level entrance  nests ,   new   volcano  shaped     ones (below)  were constructed  by   fewer and   much  smaller looking   ants.  The building material   looked  like magma  spewed  up  from  the depths or what is known as volcanic bombs , molten material blasted into the air that cools and falls down to earth in  a  heap . 

Following heavy rain , the volcanoes and their vents disappeared , as  did the ants .  Weeks later,  no  visible  nests  and  no ants , the site gradually  covered in thick grass . It seemed the ants had  relocated or there  was a  marauding midnight  anteater  in   the  yard. 
An intensive search  of  the yard  failed to  find  any area of  extensive   ant activity  like the one which  had vanished .  Puzzled by this  situation ,the blogger  exposed himself  to attack by a dengue carrying mosquito  by   bending over  the original site , covered  in a mat of couch like grass ,  and  closely examined  the  former  pad ,  without  the  aid  of  a  Sherlock  Holmes  magnifying glass. 

 Nothing . Wait a minute , was that a  tiny ant ? Yes . And  there was another climbing  up  the  blogger's leg . In  the  subterranean world  beneath the  thick grass  there   appears  to  be  a   whole  new   world  adapting  to rapidly  changing  conditions .