Wednesday, February 19, 2020


In a spooky , secret location resembling Jurassic Park , a  colony of flying  dragons has  been  found .  The  creatures   travel almost at the speed of sound which explains why  they  are  slightly blurred  in this  exclusive series of  photographs. They   were caught rocketing   around a  tree  in North Queensland , in  an odd  location  which  looks  like part  of  the  set  for  a  zombie movie

Dive bombing a  Curlew
Unfortunately the wondrous  dragons do not emit flames like the Welsh ones .They are  in a variety of sizes and would   become  Australia's biggest   tourist  attraction , more so than pissy  Koalas. However, the Queensland Government , at  the  urging of  worried   zoologists , will keep them under wraps  because  they  look like  crocodiles .
Once it got out that there are  flying crocodiles  in North Queensland  the publicity mad  cat in a Marlboro Man  hat, Bob Katter  senior , would sure as hell  demand they be   instantly  culled .  He would paint a grim picture of  women hanging out the washing being devoured by low flying dragons  ; Kindergarten  children being eaten as they romp about  in sandpits ; postmen scared to deliver the  mail  after several  are  torn  to  shreds  .
 In another stunt , trigger-happy Katter , wearing mobs of Thin Lizzy on his kisser ,  accidently shot  his  hat .