One of the highly intelligent lizards , above , on the premises has tapped into a regular source of healthy tucker : native bees which have set up a nest in the brickwork of Little Darwin's front verandah . The lizard patrols the verandah leisurely downing one from time to time as they buzz in and out of the cracks . The well stocked bee pantry is not without dangers -the lizard lost part of its tail about a week ago , probably due to a Kookaburra attack, there being a lot about .
Part of the lizard's territory includes a nearby decorated paver where it posed for the camera months ago . With so many beehives destroyed , along with vasty tracts of blossom bearing bush in Australia , honey could become as valuable as gold . When this happens , we will have to hire a front end loader, tear up the verandah , erect a sign telling callers to use the rear tradesmens' entrance , and cash in the honeycomb content to finance launching an ICBM on the Coalition and all their climate change denying boneheaded buddies .