Monday, February 10, 2020


 New  Zealand   Literary  Topics 
Two slim  volumes, New Zealand Best poems of  1938 and  New Zealand New Writing No.3, June l944 ,  bought  in  Auckland  about  40 years , were recently pulled from   the  files  and  made  an  interesting reread, turning  up  overlooked  content  of  note ,  some  contemporary issues , especially  in respect of  war veterans , their   treatment  and   the  high  incidence  of  suicide .

The  book  of   poems , selected  by C.A. Marris, once belonged to Helena Henderson (1913 to l968) , the author of  two , one  Returned Soldier , about  a pacifist  who went away and fought in WWl, returning  to  a  little  cottage provided by the  government , tending  the  garden,  the small  lawn , shining  the taps , making  bird  cages and  baskets , leading a quiet  life .  Except...

But in the dreadful midnight hours ,
Borne in the terror's icy breath,
Come Eitel, Friedrich, Hans and Paul ,
Good men and  true  he  sent to  Death .   
Apart  from writing  poetry, Henderson  was  a  novelist , lived on a yacht  for some years , inspired  women   to write  , even  produced books under a  male  name . She was  encouraged  to write by her  mother  who  worked on the  Christchurch Press  newspaper   and  also  wrote poems and essays . In the  case of Helena's  storekeeper  father, he  faked  his  suicide the night before  she , a  Catholic ,  married  in  a  registry  office.
With  so much  debate  currently going on about  fossil fuel  and   the affect on the climate , a 1944 poem  praising  coal  by Anton Vogt,  born in Norway, a NZ schoolteacher , at  Reefton  , a coal  mining town , stood out . He had written two volumes of poetry, the latest , Poems  for  a  War  and a play soon to be in print and on stage .  
The  treatment  of  Tuberculosis was  the subject of a  short story of interest to this blogger's wife who worked with TB patients , mainly Maoris, when she was  a nurse  at Hamilton,  in   the  North Island   of   New Zealand ,  in the  l950s.  In those days patients  were  placed  in beds  out  on  open  verandahs  to  be  exposed to  the cool , clean  air  and  sunshine. Now  it  seems  resistant TB is making a  strong comeback , especially in PNG with limited resources  and facilities , cases  turning up  in  the Torres  Strait . 
There is an emotive short story, The Woods no More, by R. Gilberd  who had spent most of  his  adult life scrub-cutting , farming , public works , bush-felling , then a slaughterman in the freezing works at Gisborne  and representing the union  on  the local Trades Council . 
There are  several  poems at the back of  the book  dealing  with  the war ... Killed In Action, The Leader  Makes Plans  (to take over the world , then what ? ), Enemy Aircraft  Overhead , Stalingrad , l943.
Some of  the contributors became   involved  in the  Australian literary world. Poet ,  editor , literary critic , short story writer  , essayist  and   publisher  Douglas Stewart ,  for example , became literary  editor  of   The  Bulletin , Sydney, for  20 years  and was   described  as  the   greatest  all  rounder of  literature in  modern Australia . Three of  his works appeared  in  the  l938  book of  poems . He wrote the  biographies  of  prominent Australians ,the artist  Norman Lindsay  and  poet  Kenneth Slessor .