Sunday, November 3, 2019


Long  before   the   fact  that  Woolworths   had   underpaid staff  to the  extent of  a  whopping  $300million , we  were  told  by a  northern  source  that  wage  theft  was  going  to become  a  big  issue .  Sure did .  We  were  told  that  it was  so  widespread  there would be amazing revelations  about the extent of  the  problem . All kinds of excuses  were  being  offered  by  companies  for the failure , including  one  by  a  brothel   which said   it  was so  busy  there  was  not enough  time  to  do  the  paperwork  to  make  sure  staff  got  the  proper pay. It  would  seem  that  brothels are a  boom  industry , people run  off  their  feet  trying  to   keep up  with  the  book keeping.