Friday, November 29, 2019


A  memorable  trip  organised  by  Kerry Byrnes
The  late   Kerry Byrnes  of  Arnhem  Nursery in action on  a ride on mower . Kerry  once took me for  an  unforgettable  1977  fishing trip  in a light aircraft from Darwin  to the Coburg Peninsula.  Through his contacts , a contra deal with the  aviation  company , he organised  everything , as usual ,  down  to the   smallest  detail.
 By  Peter  Simon
We landed on the sand and coral strip behind beach dunes  and set up  camp . A  wildlife ranger  drove up and checked our  permit . Then it was discovered  the bait and  spare  fish  hooks  had been left behind . A member of the  fishing party , Stephen Harwood , used  Hungarian  salami  he  brought with him as  bait ; no  fish  were  caught . 
Nevertheless,  we  roughed it  on  the  abundant  rock oysters  , watched  black tipped sharks  shooting   the   waves , saw  turtle tracks   and  large numbers of crabs . It was  paradise -until  sunset , when droves of  mosquitoes  attacked us  .
Suffering  from sunburn , mossies seemingly attracted by repellant ,  I slipped into a sleeping  bag.  Boiling within , I hopped down  closer to the waterline , hoping it would  be cooler  and   finally  got  to  sleep . In the morning  crocodile  tracks  were  found  not  far  way .   

It was  a   grand  flight  back  to  Darwin over scenic  country- until the pilot  tapped the  fuel gauge   and  announced  the  reading  -low-could not be right . But it  was .

Darwin Airport Flight Control  was alerted .With  a warning  alarm   going off in the cockpit ,we  managed  to  touch  down ,  fire trucks running along  on either  side  of  the  strip .
A service celebrating Kerry's  life   will be held in the  George   Brown  Botanical Gardens  Visitors Centre  on  December 5  , commencing at 12.30.