Tuesday, May 28, 2019


 Little  Darwin  is again  under   great stress .  Stories  galore  continue  to flood  in from left  right and centre, forgotten  treasures are being   rediscovered   during  stressful  attempts  to get   den    files  in   some kind of order , packages and  photos   arrive   from   OS  and   nationally .  Books  in  op shops and  garage  sales    demand to be bought  . And  an  indication  that a member of staff is  well and truly  into his  dotage is the fact  that he  is nibbling  black looking  medication from  a  leading  Chinese  herbalist  in  Kuching .   
 At  a   quiet  afternoon  birthday  tea party   provided by the Germanic  Queen of the Jungle, invaded by a hungry  Kookaburra,  the above rusty  sign  attached to an aviary  attracted   our   attention. It showed  a  woman seated at a desk   against  a   May   l945  calendar  and  a  candlestick telephone nearby , with the rude message : Not Now , I'm Busy...BUGGER OFF !!!  

 Taken aback,  we asked  the Queen  from whence she had   obtained this crudity . In some ways,  the  reply  was  not  so surprising ...Darwin , capital of the Northern  Territory .   Bought   some moons ago   from  a  weird  place like Jurassic Park ,  which   had  dinosaurs roaming outside, a dragon ,   the   interior  filled  with oddities, chunky imported  furniture  and objects   from  distant  lands , a wide variety of   garden   materials  in  bays . The  Queen regretted not having bought  a whole swag  of  oddities  from  there.

  We instantly recognised   this place  as  Finlay's -Tom Finlay a Victorian  born stonemason - prominent  attraction  south of  Darwin , which   has  since  been  greatly  reduced ,  operating  from   a   different  site .  

An  enthusiastic researcher  and collector   friend   obtained  a postcard  from   surveyor and road builder   Len Beadell     who  built  the  1500 km  Gunbarrel  Highway  across  Central Australia  in  the  late   l950s.  The postcard, which  included one of  his  many outback  drawings ,  was  posted  from  Alice Springs  in  l968  and   depicted   the   Kulgera   Roadhouse . Given  us for a quick read   on  top of the  stack  already gathering dust , is  Beadell's  book, Too Long in the Bush .