Thursday, May 16, 2019


Glimpses  of a  complex,  great  Australian  Labor  PM
By  Peter  Simon
Over the years ,  I  have   amassed an odd collection  of   items , even  a recipe  of his  which  I think included carrots ,  and  anecdotes  from  which  I    draw for    this brief  tribute to  a  remarkable Australian  who  did  bring the nation together, a situation  that does not exist today because of the chaotic  and divisive Coalition.

Hawke  lost the   dog owners  vote   when  he  "performed "  at  an ALP  event in Darwin   back in the days when he was  the  prominent , eloquent and aggressive  Australian Council of Trade Unions    spokesman.  It  was  held at  the private residence of a couple  who were preparing  finger food,  their  young Alsatian , Sheba , romping  about, excited by the activity . Delivered  by   car ,  Hawke , well lubricated ,  reeled  into  the grounds ,  flopped down   on  a  chair. 
Sheba then  ran over and  nuzzled up  to  Bob ,   which  resulted  in him grabbing the   animal  and  roughly examining  its   fur .  After  declaring it had the  worst  definition of  any Alsatian he had ever seen , he told it to go away.  Sheba, attracted  by  Hawke's animal magnetism,  thought it was  a   game , continued nuzzling  him . 

Sheba's  owner, chopping up meat with a large  knife,  was heard  say angrily  to her husband ,  something  to  the effect, " Can you hear what that   bloody Hawke is  saying  about  our  Sheba ?"

A  Darwin woman    who witnessed  the  episode  , owner of  a  part Beagle , called  Rangi ,  after the famous  Maori  guide ,    said  Hawke  gave the  dog  a kick  and  drove  it  away .  Asked    to  wear  a  black armband    on  voting day  for  Hawke  , this   woman  declined ,  said  she would  never  wear  one  for  anyone  who  kicked   a   dog .

 None  of  the two aspirants for  the Prime Ministership  today  would  dare  be  seen  treating  a  canine  in   this  fashion .   

Later on , when I was  press  secretary  for the Northern Territory Leader of  the Opposition , Jon Isaacs,  I saw  Hawke at  his  brilliant   best , a great orator , flamboyant , imperious  at  times ,  another  Bill Clinton .

Along  the  way , while  searching far  and wide  for  books  , ephemera  , photos, old bottles , china   and   any oddities  under the  sun , I  came across  two items related to  Bob Hawke's father , Clem , a minister of religion . One was   a  church  account  book which  showed   how little money  his father   was  paid  as a minister .  It  was found  in  second hand  shop  on  the Yorke Peninsula , South Australia ,  from which  was  also bought   several crates of  old  bottles (not formerly  the   property  of   Clem).

At an Adelaide  garage sale  an unexpected find   was   a book  bearing    Clem Hawke's  handwritten signature  and  the  suburb   of   Norton Summit, where he lived late in life. Entitled  Drifting Wreckage , by W.Lockhart Morton , of  Adelaide , with a preface by Reverend  J. Chapman ,D.D., of New York , it  contained  interesting  details  of  early  church  activities  in  Australia .

It  is  impossible  to  discuss   Bob  Hawke's achievements   without  acknowledging  the massive  support  and  part  played   by  first  wife  Hazel , a truly  grand  woman .

When the  above R.I.P.  sign   for Bob  Hawke was chalked up  on Magnetic Island , North Queensland , a hound of  the   same breed as  that  of  the  ones  in   President Obama's    family , Portuguese Water  Dog ,  heard   the  departed   PM's  name mentioned  ,  peered  out  from  next  to  a  poster  for   Cathy O'Toole, the ALP incumbent for Herbert, being savaged by  massive mad   dog  political  forces, vested   interests  and  the  Murdoch media. As  expected,  a Townsville Bulletin editorial  said  to vote  for  the Coalition . At the same time ,on Magnetic Island , a days old Murdoch   Brisbane   Courier  Mail   poster was  highlighting  Nigella's chicken roasting secrets on the eve of  the election .