Thursday, April 11, 2019


During his latest   check  on    the outrageous  neglect of   Townsville's war memorials , our Shipping   Reporter had   yet  another   nasty fright   when examining the North Queensland   Memorial   Garden  site  . After  checking    the  hard to read  plaque  with  vital information  about the war  years in Townsville , our inquisitive  scribe  lifted  up  the  lid   of  the metal   box,  in need of a clean , a  leaf  poking out ,  below ,  in which is kept  the  register   for   the site .   
Surprise, surprise . Sitting in  a  corner was  a slumbering green tree  frog  , which had been  there  so  long   it  had changed   colour   due   to  lack of   exposure to sunlight , obviously  no  regular  polishing  and  cleaning   of  this site , which  bears  the  name of  the  Australian Government , the Department of Veterans  Affairs  and  the  Office  of  Australian  War  Graves . 
Do not disturb   frog  and  something  mysterious   in  register .
The  Victory in the Pacific Fountain  had rubbish  in  both chambers , some of it there  long enough to have established a  new  English  Channel swimming record  ,  plus a  chunk of  broken  glass   on  the top wall  which at first glance looked as  if it had come from a fancy chandelier .  In the nearby ,  usually  grotty  bus shelter   there was  much  broken  glass  strewn  along  the  footpath, this a  short  distance  from   the  Townsville   Travel  Centre .