Friday, April 19, 2019


Our  Shipping Reporter  captures dramatic event 


An early morning  Palm Cat  Sealink  passenger  ferry  run  from  Magnetic  Island  to Townsville   turned  into a rescue mission when a passenger spotted what looked like a body in the  choppy water .  It was  found to be an elderly  man clinging to his  upturned   boat which   had been swamped  by  what he said had been a  freak  wave , on  a  trip  from  the  mainland  to  the  island .
Crewmembers  threw a  line   with  an  attached buoy  to  the man , John Clug, who had a similar experience when crayfishing  in Victorian waters about 14 years ago . He was  hauled aboard ,  shivering . The  boat  was  left  bobbing  to  be retrieved .
After  this exciting event, the Shipping Reporter, the only one north of  Flinders Island, went to the casino for  a bit of gourmandising , then prowled the waterfront  looking  for  stories , picking up  at  least  four , maybe  more.  
  Riding  the  packed   ferry  back  to  Magnetic Island , he immediately  espied  a large  vessel  high and dry in the  so called  safe harbour . Another story . Armed with his  camera , he sailed  down  to  the  leaning  vessel , Trinity Castle , and  approached  a man  inspecting the  hull.  
"Are you doing a Captain Cook ?  " our  maritime reporter  asked , in a lighthearted  way  , referring to  the   daring  British  captain  who had  compass trouble  off  Magnetic Island  in 1770, then crashed into the Great Barrier Reef .  The response was unexpectedly jovial under the circumstances, as  the  man  said  he   was  doing  a  bit  of careening .  
But then  there was  an  astonishing revelation : the vessel had  run aground  while delivering Mr Clug   to his   swamped  boat on the island ,  apparently causing  two  glasses  of  wine  to  spill   when   it  came  to rest . 
Dry  Mr  Clug  and  cobber .
The skipper, Ken , an old buddy of Mr Clug's , who went  glug, glug earlier in  the day ,  said he  thought the beach area  was soft  sand ;  instead it was conglomerate. It was  hoped to  escape  at high tide, about 10pm .   Trinity Castle , he said , is  a  sturdy  vessel  of  North Sea trawler design  built  for a rich Seattle  family for  their own use . He had  sailed  it  out  from Seattle himself . 
The above  photo shows the small outboard swamped earlier in the day high up on the beach. The  skipper agreed the  chain of events  that day made  an unusual story, but  said  the book would  be  even  better, delayed from publication  because  of   content   and    possible  legal action .