Thursday, August 18, 2022


 CANBERRA :  In  stunning   shock  revelations  ,  award  winning  political reporter Argus Tuft  today revealed  Scott  Morrison   had  secretly  appointed  himself  Minister  for  Silly  Walks  and  ordered   God  to ordain  him    the  Vicar  of  Dibley next  leap  year.

The   appointment   of  ScoMo  as    Silly  Minister, a  position  much  sought after  by  many   highly   qualified  members  of  the  Coalition ,  was  carried  out at Government  House  during  the witching hour  , to the accompaniment   of    Chinese  fireworks. 

According to  Argus Tuft , ScoMo ,   specially  kitted out  in   silly  attire , below , befitting  the  important  ministry , caused  the  Governor-General   to collapse  , laughing .   

The  only other politician present, he says ,  was   Senator Michaelia Cash  who  was   blindfolded, gagged and  had  plugs in  her ear-holes so  that  she knew  nothing  that   went   on.

More Importantly, she could  not  speak , so   did  not disturb  the sleep of  Black  Rod  who  had  been  suffering  from  insomnia  for  months. 

.Ace reporter Tuft  also  revealed   the  incredible  reason   why  ScoMo   had  not  attended  the  opening of the new  parliament .  With  the help of  England's Minister for Silly Haircuts,  Boris Johnson, ScoMo  was  in  London  making  plans  to  be ordained by  God   the   next  Vicar  of  Dibley in another secret ceremony , performed in the  Tower of London ,without  the  Archbishop of Canterbury  being informed . .  

ScoMo  told  God  that  the Vicar  of  Dibley had lost the  capacity to tell fibs  to  the congregation  and  the   parish  committee  was  a  collection of  muddle-headed bums,like  the National Party .  ScoMo   promised  to  wear  a royal  blue  dog collar   and a  vest  with more   colours   than  Jacob's  coat  of  many  hues  when  inducted  into   the  new position .  

News of  his  audacious plan to oust  the popular  Vicar  leaked  out  yesterday; there was a  windy    demo  by  parishioners   against  the  proposed   Orstralian  usurper.