Thursday, July 28, 2022


The mysterious,mutilated mermaid of Magnetic Island has  been  manhandled   yet  again , as  this  exclusive   Shipping  Reporter photograph    reveals .  Not only  has  the pullover  with  an advertisement for a concrete  company  been  yanked up , exposing her to the  biting  waterfront winds, but it seems  her  cut  out   fingers  attached  to one  sleeve may have  also  fallen  off or disappeared for  some  reason . 

In the past , the horrific treatment she has endured, without  the  filleted  and  battered   mainland  media  noticing ,  included  having  her head  and arms pulled off  and , shock  horror, the  head of Scott  Morrison, obviously bought  from  a  reject shop for  a   (coal )  pittance  ,  placed  on  top .