Monday, July 18, 2022


 War is  big  business   in  the  Northern Territory .

A WW ll  Army truck  with  eager passengers on a tour of  Darwin which includes  information  about  the Japanese  bombing  of the city , taking in the   East  Point  gun battery  and military precinct , the  military museum .

Billed as the   Darwin History and Wartime Experience , the  one and a quarter  hour  tour , offering to relive Darwin's historic  past, including  details of prewar  years , Cyclone Tracy , characters, heroes  and  adventurers , was  well   patronised   during  the  recent   invasion   by   southern  tourists  and   the   school  holidays , while combined  US-Australian military  exercises  were  going  on . 

The  Book Shop  in  the   Darwin  CBD  Smith Street  Mall  has a  large   war section. Another substantial  collection of  war   books, below,   can be found in the reference  library  of  the   Genealogical Society of  the  Northern Territory , which, at long last,   has  moved  into  new premises. 

A  plaque  in parliament house , which includes  details in braille , marks the  spot  where the  Darwin Post Office was hit  by a bomb and staff  killed  in the  l942  attack.