Saturday, March 30, 2019


Late in the season, the established   Little Darwin  resident  Curlew  couple have   produced  another   chick , resulting in  deep  concern ,  late night snacks and  disturbed   sleep.  It  became evident  that something  was afoot ;  eventually  a Curlew  was  discovered sitting on  an egg  in the nextdoor neighbour's  yard .  One day , through the wire fence  ,  a  tiny chick was spotted  next to  its  mother .   
 The parents took turns to fly in for a  feed  from  the Little Darwin canteen. Eventually they came   home  with the  latest hatchling , which  ran about  the  yard    at  night , following  its  parent  who  made   a continuous, soft  , clucking   sound .  One  parent tapped   at  the backdoor  at  10pm for  a  feed .  In the distance , a dreaded  Barking Owl , which devours  young birds ,    could  be  heard   hooting . Several shrieks  during the night and  other odd sounds caused this blogger to leap up out of bed with  a  torch  to  check on the  safety of the  ball of  fluff.  The following  photo shows the head of the  chick, looking like an Easter egg, in the protective wing of its mother .