Start mowing the garden and you are often joined by one or more Kookaburras intent on snaffling a tasty , bite -sized lizard ,which are given a tenderising whack or two before being swallowed. Fast moving lizards at times survive an attack and exhibit damaged , bitten off tails , like the ones below , to show for the close encounter with death .
Soon after starting to mow today, two Kookaburras , both young and scruffy looking , arrived on the scene and took up positions from which they could detect any movement . One made an unsuccessful dive on a lizard, and they both departed soon after . Lizard below with tempting, undamaged long tail.
Curlews followed the mower picking up moths and beetles. A sudden movement attracted attention-a large Wasp dragging a bigger Cicada . It was attempting to lift the victim up the wall to seal it in its nest under the eaves , but it kept on dropping the catch.
Eventually the frustrated Wasp gave up trying to carry its paralysed prey up the wall and buried it in a cleared dirt patch.