Saturday, October 18, 2014


Here we  go again

Stork flying in , sleepless nights  ahead . Latest chicks centre .

It  had to happen . The   Curlew  parents  were  showing signs of   going  broody once more , the  third time this year  .  Walking  about  together,  they  made  ominous clucky noises  , danced ,  picked  up  and tossed pieces  of   bark  and  leaves. The  female  often  stretched out  flat on  the ground  when  approached . But more ominous  was  the  fact that the  two chicks , now hungry teenagers, were  repeatedly  pecked  and  told to go away as mater and pater  want  to be  alone . 
Then  an egg  was   spotted  not far   from  the  previous  nesting  site ; now  there are  two, both large .   Recently , an interloper , thought to be Chicky   from the previous clutch ,  caused a  stir  when  she  arrived on  the back  verandah  , seeking a  4.30pm feed. The family,  including the chicks, drove her away,down the side of the house . Later on, when I  was  on the front verandah , a  Curlew , thought to be  Chicky, approached me and  started  to   talk . “ Are you  Chicky-Wicky? ” I asked , several times ,  in   a  squeaky voice ( what will the neighbours think ?).  Interpreting   Curlewese , the reply confirmed that it was  indeed  prodigal   Chicky ,  who  had  vanished    and   presumably  joined  the  wild   bush  birds .
There are  sad reports that  many  Curlew  chicks  did not   survive , killed  by   Barking  Owls  ,  snakes  , cats .

FLIGHTY FOOTNOTE : Miss Wong , the Torres Strait Pigeon saved by the  Queen of  the  Jungle , has  been taken  to  Mission  Beach to eventually be released  into the wild   with  her own kind , perhaps  heading  further   north  with  flocks  to    Papua  New  Guinea  or  Darwin . I helped dismantle  Miss Wong's cage and  in the process Larry the  Lorikeet's cage, with him sitting on top , had to be lifted ,causing him to  protest  and mutter,"Bugger !" He also will soon be heading  for Mission Beach with  his  collection of  teddy bears but cannot fly because of  his  Cyclone  Larry  injuries .

Miss Wong, packed and ready to  go .  

BREAKING NEWS : As this was being posted in the wee small hours the Curlews outside  the den sounded   upset , switched on the outside light ...and was  surprised to see  at  least eight  of the birds, including one with  a busted  wing, in the backyard.  Some  flew  away , shrieking; the injured one ran down the side of the house . All  is  now  quiet  so will slip  back to  bed .