Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Supported , tree showed  signs  of   recovery  after  Cyclone Yasi
Lucky to be  still standing, the above  Broadleaved  Bottletree seems , sadly , doomed . It was  knocked  flat by  Cyclone Yasi in 2011  which caused  extensive   damage  to   Anderson Gardens , a   fine  part  of  Townsville , maintained  by  Townsville City  Council  Parks  and  Gardens . It   was   righted   after  the  cyclonic  blast,  trimmed  and  braced . 
Sloshed , wall-eyed
It  picked up, there was new growth. Ropes and stakes were taken away.  Recently it  was discovered to be rotting  from deep  inside.  Drastic action once more was   taken  to  try and save the tree but  the  prognosis  is not overly promising. Trimmed back,  orange  foam  has  been  used  to  try and  stop moisture from getting  down  inside  the  trunk and adding to the problems. Termites  might  also be attacking  the  stricken  tree.