Saturday, March 13, 2010


Residents of the tiny Territory community of Rabbit Flat in Central Australia believe the gods are annoyed that US President, Barack Obama , has not been invited to visit the outpost.

Apart from chucking live fish out of the heavens , the grumpy gods have hurled many empty Coca –Cola bottles at the locals .This has been interpreted as a sign that the gods are furious with the lazy ratepayers for not asking the most powerful man on earth to drop in and say howdy . Every other fly - blown town in the Territory, including Darwin, Alice and Pussycat Billabong ,have been clamouring for poor Obama to drop in with his magic wand during the forthcoming visit to Australia .

The NT News has so far listed no less than 15 places in the Territory that Obama might visit. Why not Rabbit Flat where the local yokels could give him some bright ideas on how to restart the US economy , like a refundable deposit on empties ? The Rabbit Flat international airport is big enough to handle Air Force 1 , although the runway may have to be lit by recycled cigarette butts for night flights.