Thursday, October 14, 2021


Unable to contact   one of  our  unpaid  correspondents , Darwin  agronomist  Robert Wesley-Smith, on the telephone and computer , Little   Darwin  became  concerned  and  wondered  if  he  had  been  abducted  by one  of  those  notorious   Northern  Territory  flying  saucers. 

Out of the  blue , as it were , came  an  email containing  photographs   of  him in  which  he  appeared   to  have  indeed  been  spirited away  by ET  and   dumped  on Mars  , the red  planet. 

It explained why he had  been incommunicado in the Top End.  Having  just  turned  79, he  decided  to celebrate  by  driving   from  Darwin  across  to  Wyndham  and  beyond in   Western  Australia in  his poor little  Honda  Jazz , along  some  tough stretches of  roadway , apparently without a spare tyre , a bad leak ,  getting  bogged  along  the  way , towed  out  backwards .

After washing  off  the   red  dust  and a tonne of  Twiggy  Forrest's  iron ore  at The Grotto, above ,   he  sent   the  first  illustrated  travelogue , breaking his  silence .  He  walked  to  the  bottom of The Grotto , and said  some of  the steps  were  difficult  for  an  ol' guy.

More   pix,  dust  and  adventures to  come .