Friday, October 29, 2021


 The  death  of  legendary  stand  up  comedian  , Mort Sahl , in  America  at  the age  of 94  has  just  been announced . He  is  pictured  above  in   the  clutches  of   journalist , publisher , one time  politician ,  Pete Steedman , in    Melbourne, Victoria,   Australia .

Steedman  alerted   Little Darwin  to  Sahl's passing , so  we  retrieved   the  above  photo  from  our   collection . 

Pete said Sahl, born in Quebec ,Canada, came to Melbourne to perform at  the Comedy Festival

He was famous for getting inspiration for his distinctive ,highly political  comedy ,  from  newspaper  headlines

In Melbourne, Sahl  was  taken to  see Steedman at  his  rural  abode at Hurstbridge ,the  former residence of  Australian playwright David Williamson.who gave him a three- hour rundown on  the Australian political scene  and  major issue to help  him prepare for   the  Comedy Festival.

( Fact check : It was more like  five  and  a half hours...a well  lubricated session .

Steedman , known as the Black Knight  of ALP politics because of  his leather  jacket  attire  ,  had  been  the  editor of  university  publications ,  the  Victorian  ALP newspaper  and   a  new  national magazine , Broadside, before going to London , becoming influential in  media  and   politics  there.

 Returning to Australia , he  became  the ALP  Member for  Casey in  the House of  Representatives .

Steedman had  been a  fan of  Stahl's  dealing  with   matters  political  and  had  collected  his comedy  records , which  he  got  him to  autograph  while  at   Hurstbridge . He   still  has  those records, signed in  now faded biro .

Recalling   Sahl's  subsequent    performance in  the  Astor  Theatre , Saint Kilda, Pete  said   the comedian  told  the  audience, which included members of the Jewish community,  that  they had not been  paying attention  to  Pete Steedman's  warning   about  the   rise of  the right  and  anti-Semitic comments   in   Australia .Steedman  and his first  wife, Julie,  in  the audience, were  surprised  to hear  him  mention  Steedman  several  times ,  unaware  that  he  intended  to  do  so . 

In his lively one term in parliament , during which he was  named politician of  the  year by  a newspaper , Steedman  used parliamentary provilege  to  allege  that  some members  of  the  Liberal and  National  parties  were  neo-Nazis .

He  "notably accused "  Senator  Florence  Bjelke-Petersen of associating with a  man  he  described as "one of  Australia's  most  notorious  Nazis and  Hitler  lovers."  

Commenting on his  wild hairstyle in the  photograph, Steedman  said it  could have  been  shaggy  due to  the fact that he  was  executive director of  AusMusic   at  the time .      

 At the height of his fame ,Stahl appeared on the cover of Time magazine . He also worked  as a  joke writer  for  John  F. Kennedy's  1960 presidential campaign .